*I find it interesting that when creationists start talking about God's supernatural creation, evolutionists usually counter by saying that everything must be explained by natural science and divine intervention is not science. I find this remark extremely amusing. When we show them that the laws of natural science cannot explain the existence of chirality, evolutionists say that the process happened a long time ago by some unknown method that they cannot explain. Now who's relying on a supernatural explanation? Although they would never call it divine intervention, they certainly are relying on faith and not on scientific facts. Evolution just hopes you don't know chemistry. ~ Charles McCombs, Ph.D ~
Evolution Hopes You Don't Know Chemistry: The Problem with Chirality by Charles McCombs, Ph.D.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Creator, Chance, And Chirality

God is The Infinite Creator. By that I mean that He is the infinite spirit who created the finite being. The word infinite comes from the Latin infinitas or "unboundedness." Finite is defined as having bounds or limits.
Any time you talk with a skeptic or an evolutionary scientist, they resort to the same old question..."Well if God created life, who created God?" To put an end to this irrational and ridiculous question lets look at it like this...All things created, all things finite, and that is to say all things with a purpose, have a creator. God, being The Creator, The infinite spirit, does not need a creator because He is infinite and boundless.
The difference between infinite and finite leads us to Intelligent Design versus chance. Those who are anti-God say that we exist because of chance...a cosmic accident. What is even worse is when scientist say that the complex human can be created via chance. Scientist who study the laws of the universe and the forces of nature go totally against such knowledge when they believe that chance created us instead of God. Chance, as John MacArthur puts it, is not a force. Chance can not create anything. Chance in essence is nothing. The only thing chance can demonstrate is probability or outcome...for instance, if I flip a quarter there is a 50/50 chance of landing on heads. But it still requires an outside force to create that chance.
Chance Accident
If we are created via chance, that means that humans and all of life are an accident...a random cause floating around with out purpose...do they really believe this insanity, that life has no purpose? Our lives only have purpose if we have been created on purpose, for a purpose, and that comes through the Intelligent Design of God The Father Almighty.
Design Destroys Chance...The Problem With Chirality
Speaking of chance, what would you say the chance would be if I flipped multiple quarters, that every single one of them would land on heads? Not very good. Well the human body is made up of protein & protein is made up of amino acids. Amino Acids come in two forms L and R, known in Organic Chemistry as "Chirality"...(more detail can be read in the awesome article entitled Evolution Hopes You Don't Know Chemistry: The Problem with Chirality)...
...So what would you say the chances are that every single amino acid in the human body is in the L form? Not good? Maybe 50/50 if the mix is L and R?...Well EVERY SINGLE Amino Acid in the human body is in the L form...so much for chance...Every single amino acid in the human body being in the L form screams of Intelligent Design...there is no way that any skeptic or any evolutionary believer can argue this, especially by leaning on their so called "logic" argument...like the author of the aforementioned article says, "Evolution hopes you don't know chemistry."
If we want Understanding and how we came into existence, we have to connect to The One who created us, The Carpenter of Creation:
Job 32.8 says, "But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding."
Psalm 111.10 states, "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise."
The reason people argue about God being the creator is not because their so called theories are correct, it is because they simply do not want God to exist. It's called rationalizing. Humans rationalize because of irrationality. We talk our selves into things. Evolution is an escape, some way to try and avoid the unavoidable.
Evolution Is A Belief, Not a Fact, Not even a Theory
To conclude, here is a nice concise statement from ICR founder Dr. Henry Morris who concluded long ago:
Evolution is, therefore, neither fact, theory, nor hypothesis. It is a belief--and nothing more.7
- Morris, H. 1973. Evolution, Creation, and the Public Schools. Acts & Facts. 2 (3).
The Cross of Christ vs Darwinism's Rubber Ruler
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
~ Hebrews 13.8 ~
~ Hebrews 13.8 ~
An article by The Institute For Creation Research, entitled, Darwin's Rubber Ruler, made me think about our existence and how life began. Followers of Darwin or believers in evolution constantly keep changing their theories, altering their beliefs to "fit" whatever it is that will make their irrational minds sleep better at night.
The main problem I have with these so called "intellectuals" who follow Darwin, evolution, naturalism, or whatever crazy idea it is that they can use to rationalize their irrationality, is that they believe that they are the only ones who 'think' and that it is their thinking that leads to truth, whereas Christians on the other hand do not think because we only rely on faith.
Faith is a key player as followers of Jesus Christ, but God also blessed us with minds to think and He allows our logic to lead us closer to His love. I like how Steve Blakemore, Executive Director of The Institute for Third Millennium Faith puts it:
The main problem I have with these so called "intellectuals" who follow Darwin, evolution, naturalism, or whatever crazy idea it is that they can use to rationalize their irrationality, is that they believe that they are the only ones who 'think' and that it is their thinking that leads to truth, whereas Christians on the other hand do not think because we only rely on faith.
Faith is a key player as followers of Jesus Christ, but God also blessed us with minds to think and He allows our logic to lead us closer to His love. I like how Steve Blakemore, Executive Director of The Institute for Third Millennium Faith puts it:
"Even if the grandeur and scope of our faith transcends the limits of human reason, we still recognize that belief in God is logical. This was certainly the case for the earliest Fathers of the Church, who understood the importance of right reason in the service of our faith. They often speak of our experience of Christ as fides quaestio intellectum — "faith in search of understanding."
See, as Christ Followers, we have a Faith that leads to an understanding. Evolutionist's and skeptics want an understanding that will then lead to faith. The problem is that evolutionist's do have faith, but it's faith in the wrong thing, that thing being chance and random accidents (more on this in the next post).
Evolutionist's and non-believing scientist's want an understanding that is derived from hard facts. They want a measure that proves that something exist. The problem with this is that the very thing they pride themselves on is their major contradiction. They claim precision, validity, reliability, yet when it comes to their beliefs, instead of pulling out a hard standard of measurement, they pull out their flexible rubber ruler that changes based on what they want the outcome to be. Their convictions are their contradictions.
Thanks be to God that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. The Cross of Christ does not contradict, and it allows the logical mind that God created us with to lead us to the logical reasoning, and the faith, that He is The Creator of all life.
See, as Christ Followers, we have a Faith that leads to an understanding. Evolutionist's and skeptics want an understanding that will then lead to faith. The problem is that evolutionist's do have faith, but it's faith in the wrong thing, that thing being chance and random accidents (more on this in the next post).
Evolutionist's and non-believing scientist's want an understanding that is derived from hard facts. They want a measure that proves that something exist. The problem with this is that the very thing they pride themselves on is their major contradiction. They claim precision, validity, reliability, yet when it comes to their beliefs, instead of pulling out a hard standard of measurement, they pull out their flexible rubber ruler that changes based on what they want the outcome to be. Their convictions are their contradictions.
Thanks be to God that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. The Cross of Christ does not contradict, and it allows the logical mind that God created us with to lead us to the logical reasoning, and the faith, that He is The Creator of all life.
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