Saturday, May 14, 2011

Men - wear the pants - be a pillar

"Now Naomi had a relative of her husband's, a worthy man of the clan of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz."

Men, wear the pants. Be worthy of being called a "man."

We've got a lot of men today wearing skirts. Not to be inappropriate but truthful, if there not wearing one, their lusting over woman who are in one...acting like a bunch of chauvinists pigs.

I'm all for the metro-man and using as much hair paste as possible...being aware of boot cut or straight leg jeans...what I'm not for are those who don't know how to put on the work jeans...what I'm not for, are the boys who think they are men - pleasing themselves instead protecting woman - God's daughters.

Ford Truck Man
If we are going to be men who protect our ladies in holy, Jesus-like love, and shape our children in the power and might of God's Holy Spirit, we need to beat our chest and give out a war cry when a ford truck commercial comes on while we're on our way to bring our wife a cold glass of iced tea! That's a "worthy man"! Ladies, can I get an "Amen!"

Worthy Man
Let's get a sense what it means that Boaz is a "worthy man". As one preacher puts it, and I paraphrase, you're not a man just because you can shave - that's not what makes you worthy. According to a commentary I read, where the ESV says, "a worthy man", the Hebrew literally reads, "a man mighty in substance."

  • The Orthodox Jewish Bible reads, "an ish gibbor chayil."

Let's look at these two Hebrew words: gibbor chayil.


When you think "gibbor", think "champion," "valiant men", "helper", and "hero". Picture in your mind the "Mighty Thor". Whoever wields this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. Had to put that in there!

Gibbor refers to the vitality and strength of a victorious warrior...excellence.**(see resource notes for this at double asterisks below).

Men, you got any "gibbor" in you? Do you "help" your wife? Stop sitting there expecting her to do the "woman's" job. Be a man. Help her with the kids. Are you a "hero" to your kids? Are you "victorious" over sin? Man up!


This is the word for "wealth." It can mean valiant, power, strength, might, power, virtuous, riches, and of course, wealth. Interesting enough, it is the exact word chapter 3:11 of Ruth uses to characterize Ruth as an "excellent" woman.**

Men, are you "wealthy" - not just talking financial stuff here - are you "rich and mighty" in the Word of God and prayer for your wife and kids? Are you "rich and mighty" in your witness at the workplace and in the gym? If single, are you "rich" and "mighty" in holy living, prayer, church life, "water cooler discussions"?

This is where it gets cool

Another interesting word concerning Boaz being a "worthy man" is the Greek word, ischus - it means "strength" or "ability".

The name "Boaz" means, "In Him (the Lord) is strength". If you have read Boaz chapter 4:17, you know that Boaz is King David's great-granddad. If you know the Bible, you know that David is Solomon's dad...making Boaz King Solomon's great-great granddad. 2 Chronicles 3:17 and 1 Kings 7:21 tells us that King Solomon built God's Temple in Jerusalem. Now, watch this - watch what Solomon, great-great grandson of Boaz named one of the pillars of the temple:

"He set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the south he called Jachin, and that on the north Boaz." (2Chr 3:17, 1Ki 7:21)

Could it be that Solomon's great-great granddad left a lasting generational impression on his family?

Even More Cool

The Septuagint LXX, which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, could give some insight to the meaning of Boaz here in 2 Chronicles. Here is how the English translation of the Septuagint reads:

"He set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the right hand and the other on the left: and he called the name of the one on the right hand 'Stability,' and the name of the one on the left Strength."

Do you remember our greek word, "ischus"? It is the word in 2 Chronicles for "strength." Have you ever read Mark 12:30? Love the Lord your God with all your what? Heart, soul, mind, and "ischus" - strength.

Stand Strong - be a pillar

As one person has said, we need to be careful with interpreting the significance of Solomon naming the north pillar, "Boaz"; however, it is insightful. According to one commentary, a pillar was an ancient symbol of strength and security. When destruction would come about and everything else had fallen, the pillar would often still stand - strong and tall.

Leave a mark

Also in ancient times, someone of great worth is society, would have a pillar erected in their honor and their name would be etched in the pillar - it would "leave a mark" - recognizing the impact they had on their and all future generations.

Build a legacy

I wonder what our actions as men are "etching" into the hearts of those we love? I wonder what kind of "mark" we are leaving for our children - what kind of legacy? I've heard one preacher say, and he's right, that too many men today want a good time or a good weekend - not of a good legacy. God forgive us.


Jesus, the most worthy Man of all time, says in the Book of Revelation, "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God..." (Rev 3:12). Men, your faithfulness to Jesus, to your wife, your kids, your church, your country, your neighbors, will not be forgotten.

Boaz is a pillar in the temple of Jesus' God. He was a pillar for Ruth, Noami, and his boy Obed. - grandfather of David. From his line, came Jesus.

What is coming from you as man? Anything worthy?

Next time - Boaz as a man who fights for those he loves...a man who takes action - quickly


Friday, May 6, 2011

T-Time..."Going Boaz"

Men. It's "T-time".

"Testosterone" time. I'm NOT talking about being an idiot...acting like a CHAUVINIST or a COWARD. I'm talking about "HOLY Testosterone; Sanctified Testosterone." I'm talking about being a MAN like CHRIST. Men, we have 3 options, as one pastor be a Chauvinist, a Coward, or Christ like.

"T-time" is about being Christ like.

There was and is NO greater MAN than Jesus Christ. Of course, He was and is the "GOD-MAN". 100% GOD. 100% MAN. Other great men in the historical, accurate, and reliable documents of the Bible were John the Baptist and Boaz.

Boaz is one of my heroes. He is a great picture of Jesus Christ. His name means, "strength, mighty man". In other words, he didn't drink "decaf" and drive a mini van (just kidding - driving a mini van actually shows you are more of a man because you are laying your life down for your wife and kids, you're willing to bleed; seriously - that's my view on mini vans). "BOAZ" is where we get the term, "BO-UP". Not really; but it sounds good!

Boaz's story is interesting. He's a man's man; a dude's dude, according to one preacher; yet his story is found in an Old Testament Scripture with a woman's name as the title, the book of Ruth. Chapter 2 verse 1 of Ruth tells the Boaz's story and it begins by describing him as "a worthy man".

That's the FIRST things said of this guy. I don't know what the first thing that would be said or thought of me...or you...I hope it would be something like that. Men, what is the FIRST thing your wife or the those closet to you would say about you and me? I hope it's a "worthy man and not wimpy man." Are we "worthy men"? Does the church have any "worthy men"?

BLOG SERIES - going Boaz
I'm starting a blog series of what a "worthy man" is. We'll look at the life of Boaz and see how he is a picture of Jesus Christ, the WORTHIEST MAN OF ALL TIME! We'll look at the characteristics that the Book of Ruth lay out for us. Just to give you a sneak peek: Boaz was a:
  • "Fighter",
  • "Lover",
  • "Redeemer",
  • "Protector",
  • "Planner",
  • "Leader"
  • "Bless-er"
In other words, when he was a little boy, he was "bi-lingual". He could speak English and "Tonka"..."vrummm, vrumm'. If he was alive today, he would work out to "insanity workout videos"; he would have loved Chuck Norris movies; he would watch WWE on Monday nights and College Gameday ESPN on Saturday mornings; he most likely would have had lots of camouflage in his closet; and because he was the kind of MAN we need today; he would have fought for sexual purity/holiness. That's a real man.We don't have enough "real men; worthy men" in the church today. Sure, we have some. Not enough. I want to be a "worthy man." I want to be a picture of Jesus. Dude, do you?

I recently came upon an article written by Brian Mavis on how to reach men in the to "fix" men (it gave me the vrumm, vrumm illustration idea by the way). The article talked about how the church is failing in this endeavor. The following paragraph is an INCREDIBLE - and I think, ACCURATE explanation of what the church has done to MEN...PLEASE READ...

"In many cases the church hasn’t done much better than the world at “fixing men.” They’ve put a 21st century spin on a similar first-century problem. Two thousand years ago, there was some confusion about what it took to become a Christian man. Some people believed that Gentile men had to be circumcised to be real Christians. Today the church has moved the knife a few inches, no longer performing a circumcision but a castration. I’m speaking metaphorically of course. But the problem is real. Just like the world, the church often tries to take the “manliness” out of a man instead of taking his God-given strengths and finding their rightful use in the kingdom. God wants man as He made him. Man isn’t meant to chase skirts, but he’s not meant to be in one either (unless you’re Scottish—and it still looks weird)."

I believe all churches should post a sign outside it's doors for men: MEN, NO SKIRTS ALLOWED. I'm all for the "metro-man". I'm one myself. Metro does not mean you wear skirts though. It simply means you have enough fashion sense to stop tight rolling your jeans. You can be a metro man and still drive a GMC Sierra.

In the next couple of posts, we'll begin to look at "going Boaz." I hope you'll check in. It's "T-time."