Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Give me Jesus"! Do you have Him in your life?

During my face-to-face devotional "wasted" time, I had this prayer after listening to the song titled, "Give me Jesus" and studying Matthew 25:31-46. This is an edited and adapted version. I write or type all my prayers. Here it is. May God "give you Jesus"--

"Lord, thank you for the song, “Give me JESUS”. That is my prayer for my family and for my church. Lord, help us to see Jesus in the hungry child, in the thirsty child, in the old sick lady, in the aids victim, in the poor person begging on the street, in the prisoners, in the naked, in the stranger who has no where to go, in the abnoxious person who annoys us, in the lost, in the one who has no friends and is socially ackward. Lord, I pray give me Jesus.

I will get these people in my life if I get Jesus in my life. I am wondering, how do we answer this question: “Is Jesus in your life; do you have Jesus in your life?” I wonder if Jesus IS IN our life IF the people of Matthew 25:31-46 are NOT in our life. Or, how much of Jesus is in our life if these people are not. Give me Jesus is a prayer of this: give me the poor…give me the needy…give me the sick…give me the naked…give me the prisoners…give me the one that no one else wants to be with…give me the hungry and the thirsty…that’s what Give me Jesus means does not it Lord? If I am wrong or partially right, help me to know. The song says, "In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus. When I am alone, give me Jesus. When I come to die, give me Jesus"….I wonder, in the morning, when I rise, give me the poor. When I am alone, give me the sick. When I come to die, give me the prisoners.

Jesus is a lot. He is all these people…he is prayer…he is the Kingdom of God…He is eternal life…the way the truth and the life…He is God’s SON and the Giver with the Father of the Holy Spirit. He is the Word of God. When we get Jesus or rather when Jesus gets us, we get all these things. I wonder, if we don’t have these things in our life if we EVEN have Jesus at all. What does it mean to have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus if we don’t pray. If don’t read His word. If we don’t have a burden and a weekly ministry to the Matthew 25 people (He said, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine you did FOR ME (NIV)...(NLT) says "TO ME"-25:40)---IF that's NOT PERSONAL, what is? We are not “follow Me” Christians if we stay behind our walls and watch tv all day.

Make us “follow me” Christians not “inconvienced Christians.” Give my family Jesus for the needy. Give my pastor Jesus for his sermons. Give my school Jesus for teaching. Give my country Jesus for healing. Give our enemies Jesus for reconcilation. Give us Jesus!

Father, you have given us Jesus. I think of the widow in Luke 7:11-17. You gave her Jesus and you gave her her son back. Give me Jesus. You have given us Jesus. For God so loved the world that gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). In the Name above all Names, this prayer raises above all the Father in Heaven, Amen!