Wednesday, February 6, 2008

To the Cross!

"Restore to me the JOY of Your SALVATION..." (Psalm 51:12;NIV)

God just rocked my world. Praise Trinity! Tonight, we celebrated Ash Wednesday at my church. I've been looking forward to Ash Wednesday. Justin and I have covenanted together to walk "to the Cross" with Jesus for the days of Lent. We want to make it to the Cross of Christ and end all sin that we struggle with on Good Friday and resurrect anew on Easter Sunday!

Lent is a time of confession and repentance. So let me confess my sin that I've been struggling with: the sin of lethargy, complaining, and self-pity. I have not had joy in my life. Why? I am way too busy that I have lost joy for church, for ministry, for people. This is not the heart of Christ nor the mind of Christ. I have repented. But listen, I have been really down.

Tonight, we walked forward in our Ash Wednesday gathering. The minister put the sign of the Cross on my forehead and said, "The Spirit calls you to repent and believe the Gospel." I had my bible in hand, ready to approach God at the altar and read Psalm 51, John 1, and Mark 1:34-35. God rocked my world with Psalm 51:12. I've read and prayed through this Psalm many times...but man, verse 12 cut my heart. It says, "Restore to me the JOY of YOUR SALVATION and grant me a willing spirit within me." The Master Communicator knows exactly how to speak to us.

Are you like busy that you've lost the JOY of God's Salvation? The only way I know to regain the JOY of God's Salvation, is to pray Psalm 51:12 every single day of Lent until God's Spirit restores this joy in me. Pray until you get it. That's what I'm going to do. I'm in seminary...full time ministry...full time busyness is here to stay. Jesus destroyed sin on Good Friday. He Resurrected on Sunday! My sin is destroyed and my joy will be be resurrected! I am going to follow Jesus "to the Cross" this Lent season. God's Joy will be mine! It can be yours. Will you walk with me "to the Cross?"