Saturday, November 29, 2008

Competition: Make Me Better!

Here is the first installment of a Two part series: "Competition"

Christian and I have a quote that we live, train, and compete by: "Make Me Better!"

The essence is this...When Christian does his best, it creates a desire for me to do my best, which in turn, fuels him to do his best...pretty cool cycle!

So the point is this: Competition brings out the best in us. We should embrace challenge and gravitate towards obstacles. If we want to be the best, we must compete against the best, and instead of getting nervous and psyching our selves out, we should allow competition and the "Make Me Better" principle drive us to a new level of living and performance.

W. Timothy Gallwey states the following in his book, The Inner Game Of Tennis:

"Competition then becomes an interesting device in which each player, by making his maximum effort to win, gives the other the opportunity he desires to reach new levels of self-awareness....and learning to welcome obstacles in competition automatically increases one's ability to find advantage in all the difficulties one meets in the course of one's life."

Who is making you better? Who are you making better?