Wednesday, April 29, 2009

God's Masterpiece

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 ~

According to The Oxford American Dictionary, A Masterpiece is a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship ; an artist's or craftsman's best piece of work. We are God's best piece of work. And to know that The Carpenter of Creation has created us in Christ Jesus so that we can do good things, things that He has planned long ago, should give us a Holy Anticipation to live our lives with God-Ordained Passion!

The question is, do we "see" it? Do we see the reality that we are God's Masterpiece? Or are we focusing in on cultures perspective more that God's original design.

God's Plan
God had plans for Mary's life. He planned that she, a virgin, would give birth to The Savior of The World. Her response was, "But how?" Are we saying the same thing for God's plan in our lives? But how?

Holy Anticipation
We must believe that God has already planned for us to do good things, that He has a specific purpose for us to UNLEASH His Glory! We must keep our eyes open and "see" with a Holy Anticipation what God is doing and wants to do through us. Mary kept her eyes open and finally came around to "see" what God was up to:

And Mary said, Yes, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's maid, ready to serve.
Let it be with me just as you say. ~ Luke 1.37-38 ~

Living Wide-Eyed In Wonder And Belief
What it comes down to is whether or not we live our lives in "Wide-Eyed Wonder and Belief" or whether we are living "squinty-eyed" in greed and distrust."

From Luke 11.33-36:
"No one lights a lamp, then hides it in a drawer. It's put on a lamp stand so those entering the room have light to see where they're going. Your eye is a lamp, lighting up your whole body. If you live wide-eyed in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. Keep your eyes open, your lamp burning, so you don't get musty and murky. Keep your life as well-lighted as your best-lighted room."
(Emphasis added)

How are our eyes? Do we "see" what God has planned for us? Are we living in a Holy Anticipation with Wide-Eyed Wonder and Belief? Let's accept the fact that we are God's Masterpiece, and then say, along with Mary:

Yes, I see it all now: I'm the Lord's...ready to serve.
Let it be with me just as you say.