Saturday, December 24, 2011
Evidence? It Goes Both Ways!
...but what about those who don't believe? I often hear the atheistic theme song of "evidence, I need more evidence." Or if it's not their theme song, perhaps it's the famous sound bite that says, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."
...Well, to the atheist, the game goes both state that "God does not exist" and that "miracles are not possible," so I would like to say to you, "prove it!" You make an extraordinary claim so you better give me some extraordinary evidence!
So what will the atheist do? Here are some attempts:
1. Only science can show us what is true. Oh really? This statement is one that is philosophical in nature, and itself is not testable by the scientific method.
2. Macro-evolution is true and Darwin is god...Oh really? Give me some extraordinary evidence that shows this extraordinary claim to be the case. How does a Darwinian mechanism create the first replicator? Where are all the fossils showing transitions between species? How do you explain the Cambrian explosion? Please show me evidence how random mutation and natural selection gets around the problem of irreducibly complex mechanisms such as the human eye, ATP Synthase, and Bacteria Flagella. Please show me evidence on how disorder can create order and how time and chance can create the detailed code and the specified complexity of DNA language. In short, why is there something rather than nothing?
3. You can't prove a universal negative. Oh really? You think you are going to escape the burden of proof do you? There are no zebras who play for the New England Patriots. There are no married bachelors. There is no water molecule made of is that for proving universal negatives!
I will conclude with a dialogue from William Lane Craig:
The claim on the lips of today’s New Atheists, "We have been given the tools of reason, inquiring minds and a good education and we judge religion as we judge everything else" now appears to be empty posturing. If this assertion is really true, then when you say, "As an atheist I assert that God, and your God in particular does not exist," you’d better be prepared to respond when I ask, “Really? What proof, evidence, or argument can you provide to convince me?”
Praise Be To God who provides more than enough evidence for His existence and for His Love...demonstrated as He entered into time, space, matter, and energy...stepping into our lives through Jesus Christ. The Scriptures speak of it, creation concludes it, and reality reflects it! Victory IN Christ and Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Rightly Handling The Word Of Truth
It's been quite a while since I have read the brilliant writings of Oswald Chambers, so it was very refreshing to peer into his mind tonight by reading his thoughts on 2 Timothy 2:15...
...Chambers sees the importance of knowing what and knowing why you believe...he sees the importance of studying The Scriptures and believing based on truth...he sees the importance of knowing how to express the truth of Christ to others... is an excerpt and a link to his Dec 15 entry!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Koukl: "100% God - 100% Man"
It's called "100% God - 100% Man," and to summarize, Koukl states:
They go hand in hand. God works through our initiative." God uses our wills and our actions to accomplish His ends..."
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"Pray toward Heaven. Row toward shore." ~ Lee Ezell
The Brilliance of Wintery Knight are few excerpts:
"Some people want to dumb Christianity down to the level of superstition then they complain that it doesn't work. But Christianity is better when you learn more and work harder..."
...People become Christians because they want to be like Jesus, and they understand that Jesus was not having fun. He was doing a job, and he wasn't happy or appreciated."
"It's so strange to me that people think that the best way to see God interfere is to pray. The way I see God working in my life is when I go home and listen to some debate about the problem of evil, and then the next day some atheist asks me out to lunch to talk about why God allows evil. Maybe instead of doing easy things, we should actually invest in our relationship with God and then see if he responds by giving us work to do. Maybe a relationship with God is about serving him, and the joy is about seeing him reward those efforts by working with us and through us. Maybe God has more for us than just entertainment."
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Fallacies: Genetic Fallacy #2
In other words, the person is fallaciously inferring that the origin of a Christian's belief simply stems from his/her dependency on a safety mechanism or a support system. But as stated in the prior post, the origin or how one comes to believe in something does not necessarily prove or disprove the validity of such a make a claim that "Christianity is a crutch" is totally irrelevant to whether or not Christianity is true, and simply shows that the person who makes the claim does not have a clue about logic or rationality.
So once again, take a tactical approach to turn this on the atheist or whoever makes this fallacious is a great way to do it, from Greg Koukl, (author of Tactics: A Game Plan For Discussing Your Christian Convictions).
Sunday, November 6, 2011
The Pro-Abortion Contradiction
“Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born.”
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Those who are pro-abortion should stop and think about their contradictory position...the only reason they are able to vote or advocate for pro-abortion legislation is because they were not, themselves, aborted...
It's also funny how one of the main things pro-abortion advocates bring up is the issue of having rights...the right to privacy, the right to autonomy, the right to reproductive status...give me a break...again, stop and think about why you have rights to begin were given were not aborted...your rights were not taken away...
...and understand, that a potential you was not were born...if the embryo you once were was aborted, a potential you would not have been would have been murdered... the next time a pro-abortion advocate wants to celebrate their right to abort, they need to stop and think about why they have been given such a right to begin with...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Fallacies: Genetic and Appeal To Pity
Genetic fallacy#1 "You are only a Christian because you were born in the United States."
Notice, this is an assertion...not an argument, and therefore, the non-believer is in a tricky situation because the one who makes the claim, bears the burden...and this presents a problem for someone who commits the genetic fallacy because the origin of one's beliefs or claims does not confirm nor deny the validity of such a belief or claim.
I can believe that 2+2 = 4 because I learned it from a text book or because I learned it from Sir Isaac does not matter what my source of belief is, what matters is whether or not the belief is true (i.e Explanatory Power, Cumulative Support)
So if the non-believer really wants to be a champion of reason, they must provide an argument with valid reasons, not simply dodge reality by stating fallacious assertions.
Tactic: Use a question to show them their fallacy by turning it back on them:
"So is it your belief that the only reason I am a Christian is because I grew up in a Christian society?"
They have to answer yes to this question based on their claim... simply reply, "Well, you just believe that because of the society in which you grew up in."
In the next few posts, look for Genetic Fallacy #2, (“Christianity is a crutch for the weak”) and the Appeal to Pity fallacy, (“You mean that all of those other religions are wrong and their followers are going to hell?”)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Christ, Reason, and Salvation
We are saved by faith, but our faith is based on reason and is not a blind faith, to the contrary, it is a reasonable is one substantiated in the reality of truth...
There is much to say about this that can be combined from the fields of apologetics, philosophy, history, science, mathematics, cosmology, etc, but here are a few verses that speak to Faith, Reason, and Truth
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8
“Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. ~Isaiah 1:18
Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. ~John 17:17
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Unfolding Patterns Of God's Plans
Creation Of The World - Whether you hold a "Day-Age" view or a "Literal" view, etc, God gradually created and sculpted the world over time.
The Calling Of The Jews - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Twelve tribes...
The Sending Of The Messiah - centuries passed before Jesus was incarnated.
Spreading Of The Gospel - gradually over centuries, we are seeing God's Purposes unfolding.
The more I think about it, the more all of life is like this. There is a development process to all things that have life, meaning, value, and purpose. The only things that are really made in an instance are material and expendable.
So this gradual revealing of God's purpose certainly has personal application to us as well. He wants our lives to have meaning, value, and purpose, and the only way to do that is through a gradual development via a daily relationship with Christ.
In fact, Charles Spurgeon, in his sermon delivered on the Sabbath Morning, January 7th, 1855, stated the following: "Nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man, as a devout, earnest, continued investigation of the great subject of the Deity."
I think that God unfolds His purposes gradually, so that we can "continually investigate" His greatness...Allow me to draw a parallel from the outstanding Christian philosopher and theologian of the eleventh century, Saint Anselm, who coined the phrase, fides quaerens intellectum...translated to mean, “faith seeking understanding”...Perhaps God has so arranged life that our faith seeks an understanding, and then our understanding leads to a revealing...then purpose...
For Anselm, "faith seeking understanding" was “an active love of God seeking a deeper knowledge of God.” He believed that true faith is a love for God and a drive to act as God wills...Ultimately, our purpose is to become Christ-like...Jesus was everything God is, and He was everything that we were meant to what happened was that sin entered the world, we became separated from God, and our image became has been on a search for purpose ever since...a search for God through Christ...a desire beyond all desires in which C.S. Lewis beautifully summarized in the following quote:
the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."
...God, through His gradual unfolding of meaning, value, and purpose, wants us to first have a "deeper knowledge" of Him...and a deeper understanding of Him...a desire to become Sanctified and that when God unfolds our meaning, value, and purpose in life, we see Him as the architect, the composer, and the designer of it all.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Determinism vs Free Will, Part 1, for the first entry, a question and a thought for those who believe in determinism...
1. How do you know that determinism is true? From an epistemological viewpoint, you could not be able to logically affirm the validity of determinism, because you would simply be determined to believe in results in circular is self-defeating to try and come up with reasons for why determinism is true or how you know it to be true, because the second you invoke reasoning, you have canceled can not be determined yet at the same time use any sense of reasoning...can a computer give you a reason for why the input leads to the output? No, it simply does what it is told, but it has no concept for why or how it works...this is how determinism works, there is no way around it...
...on the same view, I find it puzzling when someone who holds to determinism as doctrine, tries to persuade me to believe in determinism...they do not see the logical incoherence that is inherent in doing so, because it would mean, if persuaded to believe in their argument, that I CHOSE to believe in determinism...but I can not freely choose anything if I have been pre-programmed for determinism...
They could say, "well, this just means that you were determined not to believe in determinism." Then by default, if, for the sake of argument, determinism was true, this would mean I was determined to believe in free choice...but this would be another logical blunder to be pre-programmed to believe in choice because it would lead me to the option of not believing in determinism....which means I would never defend determinism as a realistic truth and thus would be self-defeating for me to be determined as a determinist who believes in free choice...
More to come on this issue, next up...Do Calvinist's have accountability groups?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Defend And Destroy
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"...if we study everything very well, people will link our intelligence to our faith. They’ll say “if you’ve put this much thought into economics, then you must have a well-thought-out faith, too”. Being well-rounded makes you more convincing, more influential on moral and cultural issues, and more effective at
turning conversations to the gospel."
The reason I bring this up is because it amazes me how we live in a society of so-called tolerance, inclusiveness, and diversity, yet Christians are the only ones who are not tolerated, not included, nor accepted into the diversity club. A prime example of this can be read about in an amazingly well written and shocking article over at, called the Cisco Kid. It's discusses how Dr. Frank Turek, the well-known Christian Apologist, author, speaker, radio host, and leadership consultant, got fired from his position at Cisco, simply because he is a Christian who has moral and ethical values. So it appears the definition of tolerance has been transformed to only tolerating those you agree with...which is an absurdity because one can only tolerate what one disagrees with. I like how Dr. Turek describes how we now see inclusion and diversity being applied:
So as Christian who can influence culture, we must take the commandment of 2 Corinthians 10:5 seriously. We nee to educate ourselves and be clear thinking Christians. We need to know how to articulate and how to be equipped to discuss the issues of our time...we need to know how to Defend and Destroy the nonsense that is going on in our culture...Christians need to understand things such as the First Amendment, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act...we must be able to take a stand in the market place of ideas...we must put aside the pseudo-humility and non-involvement so that we can think and take action.
One last note: Do you want to know how the devil is working today? Take a look at our companies who fire Christians...take a look at our politicians and what they legislate...the enemy uses two words to destroy our culture: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS...
So what can we do? Begin by educating and equipping yourself. Here are some great books to get you started on how to transform culture instead of culture destroying you:
Tactics - by Greg Koukl
Moral Relativism - by Greg Koukl and Francis Beckwith
Legislating Morality - by Dr. Frank Turek and Norm Geisler
The Case For Life - by Scott Klusendorf
Christian Ethics - by Norm Geisler
Basic Economics - by Thomas Sowell
Correct Not Politically Correct - by Dr. Frank Turek
Politics-According To The Bible - by Wayne Grudem
Money, Greed, And God - Why Capitalism Is The Solution And Not The Problem - by Jay Wesley Richards
Body & Soul - by J.P. Moreland and Scott B. Rae
Calvinism, Election, And False Love
Click here to read the short blog entry from the Wesleyan Arminian blog, and then take a look at the clip from the movie that I have provided here:
So you can see, these individuals may "think" they actually love Beth, but they have no way to know other wise because they have been simply "programmed" or "elected" to do so.
On the contrary, God wants those who freely choose Him. That is why in Revelation 3:20, Jesus offers us the "If-Then" option that establishes the possibilities for counter-factuals and libertarian free will. He showers all of mankind with a Prevenient Grace...a grace that we must have before we can be justified and sanctified, but it is also a resistible Grace that leads to an authentic love via free will...
Allow me to summarize by quoting A.W. Tozer, who stated,
Be sure to read Tozer's excellent article, The Sovereignty of God, which demonstrates how the free-will of man does not limit God's actually Proves God's Sovereignty.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Reasoning And The Resurrection
So how do we do this? Do we do it through subjective feelings? Do we honor Him as Holy by telling people that Christianity is true for me even if it is not true for you? Do we honor Him as Holy by telling others that we believe in Christ, but we don't want to offend them if they do not.
Do we honor Christ as Holy by saying that Christ simply lives in our heart, and that I don't need to read my Bible as long as I have a warm fuzzy feeling in my subjective experience about reality? the contrary, 1 Peter 3:15 actually combines the heart with the mind...
Take a look: 1 Peter 3:15 goes on and tells us to honor The Lord as Holy by "always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect..."
One way to do this is to give REASONS for why you believe in The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Intellectual, scientific, and historical REASONS of why you are a sane individual who actually thinks and has common sense to believe in the Trans-Cultural and OBJECTIVE Truth of Jesus Christ.
Click here for your weekend homework: How Every Christian Can Learn To Explain The Resurrection Of Jesus To Others
This kind of reasoning will catalyze any and all type of evangelism...If we really want to witness, preach The Gospel, and be powerful Ambassadors of Christ to transform culture, then providing REASONS will allow us to overcome emotionalism with intellect and allow Christians to take a stand and be front runners in the market place of ideas...a market place that has been overturned by secularist for far too long!
Monday, July 4, 2011
4th Of July Challenge
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Great article by Frank Turek, titled Country a Mess? Blame the Church...
I have been very motivated and challenged by this article, and I believe you will be as well. So I would like to issue a 4th of July challenge to all Followers of Jesus Christ...we need to transform culture and society by infiltrating it instead of avoiding
Let's put an end to the anti-intellectual movement that leads believers to separate from society rather than reform it. Let's reform society by thinking, writing, influencing, and creating.
Let's stop bifurcating life into two separate spheres—the sacred and secular. We need to saturate society with the Truth of Christ, morality, and ethics...not separate from it. And forget about being PC and non-offensive. Our softness is allowing culture to spit on The Cross of Christ.
Let's stop substituting Reason for emotionalism, and thinking that only activities that directly save souls are deemed sacred. A saved soul is wonderful, but we must make the connection that a saved soul is a transformed person...and transformed people lead to a transformed culture.
Eternity is at stake, but so is our present day...May God's Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...
**Bold captions are derived from Frank Turek's article, Country A Mess, Blame The Church
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Men - wear the pants - be a pillar
Men, wear the pants. Be worthy of being called a "man."
We've got a lot of men today wearing skirts. Not to be inappropriate but truthful, if there not wearing one, their lusting over woman who are in one...acting like a bunch of chauvinists pigs.
I'm all for the metro-man and using as much hair paste as possible...being aware of boot cut or straight leg jeans...what I'm not for are those who don't know how to put on the work jeans...what I'm not for, are the boys who think they are men - pleasing themselves instead protecting woman - God's daughters.
Ford Truck Man
If we are going to be men who protect our ladies in holy, Jesus-like love, and shape our children in the power and might of God's Holy Spirit, we need to beat our chest and give out a war cry when a ford truck commercial comes on while we're on our way to bring our wife a cold glass of iced tea! That's a "worthy man"! Ladies, can I get an "Amen!"
- The Orthodox Jewish Bible reads, "an ish gibbor chayil."
Let's look at these two Hebrew words: gibbor chayil.
When you think "gibbor", think "champion," "valiant men", "helper", and "hero". Picture in your mind the "Mighty Thor". Whoever wields this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. Had to put that in there!
Gibbor refers to the vitality and strength of a victorious warrior...excellence.**(see resource notes for this at double asterisks below).
Men, you got any "gibbor" in you? Do you "help" your wife? Stop sitting there expecting her to do the "woman's" job. Be a man. Help her with the kids. Are you a "hero" to your kids? Are you "victorious" over sin? Man up!
This is the word for "wealth." It can mean valiant, power, strength, might, power, virtuous, riches, and of course, wealth. Interesting enough, it is the exact word chapter 3:11 of Ruth uses to characterize Ruth as an "excellent" woman.**
Men, are you "wealthy" - not just talking financial stuff here - are you "rich and mighty" in the Word of God and prayer for your wife and kids? Are you "rich and mighty" in your witness at the workplace and in the gym? If single, are you "rich" and "mighty" in holy living, prayer, church life, "water cooler discussions"?
Another interesting word concerning Boaz being a "worthy man" is the Greek word, ischus - it means "strength" or "ability".
The name "Boaz" means, "In Him (the Lord) is strength". If you have read Boaz chapter 4:17, you know that Boaz is King David's great-granddad. If you know the Bible, you know that David is Solomon's dad...making Boaz King Solomon's great-great granddad. 2 Chronicles 3:17 and 1 Kings 7:21 tells us that King Solomon built God's Temple in Jerusalem. Now, watch this - watch what Solomon, great-great grandson of Boaz named one of the pillars of the temple:
"He set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the south he called Jachin, and that on the north Boaz." (2Chr 3:17, 1Ki 7:21)
Could it be that Solomon's great-great granddad left a lasting generational impression on his family?
Even More Cool
The Septuagint LXX, which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, could give some insight to the meaning of Boaz here in 2 Chronicles. Here is how the English translation of the Septuagint reads:
"He set up the pillars in front of the temple, one on the right hand and the other on the left: and he called the name of the one on the right hand 'Stability,' and the name of the one on the left Strength."
Do you remember our greek word, "ischus"? It is the word in 2 Chronicles for "strength." Have you ever read Mark 12:30? Love the Lord your God with all your what? Heart, soul, mind, and "ischus" - strength.
Stand Strong - be a pillar
As one person has said, we need to be careful with interpreting the significance of Solomon naming the north pillar, "Boaz"; however, it is insightful. According to one commentary, a pillar was an ancient symbol of strength and security. When destruction would come about and everything else had fallen, the pillar would often still stand - strong and tall.
Leave a mark
Also in ancient times, someone of great worth is society, would have a pillar erected in their honor and their name would be etched in the pillar - it would "leave a mark" - recognizing the impact they had on their and all future generations.
Build a legacy
I wonder what our actions as men are "etching" into the hearts of those we love? I wonder what kind of "mark" we are leaving for our children - what kind of legacy? I've heard one preacher say, and he's right, that too many men today want a good time or a good weekend - not of a good legacy. God forgive us.
Jesus, the most worthy Man of all time, says in the Book of Revelation, "He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God..." (Rev 3:12). Men, your faithfulness to Jesus, to your wife, your kids, your church, your country, your neighbors, will not be forgotten.
Boaz is a pillar in the temple of Jesus' God. He was a pillar for Ruth, Noami, and his boy Obed. - grandfather of David. From his line, came Jesus.
What is coming from you as man? Anything worthy?
Next time - Boaz as a man who fights for those he loves...a man who takes action - quickly
Friday, May 6, 2011
T-Time..."Going Boaz"
Men. It's "T-time".
"Testosterone" time. I'm NOT talking about being an idiot...acting like a CHAUVINIST or a COWARD. I'm talking about "HOLY Testosterone; Sanctified Testosterone." I'm talking about being a MAN like CHRIST. Men, we have 3 options, as one pastor be a Chauvinist, a Coward, or Christ like.
"T-time" is about being Christ like.
There was and is NO greater MAN than Jesus Christ. Of course, He was and is the "GOD-MAN". 100% GOD. 100% MAN. Other great men in the historical, accurate, and reliable documents of the Bible were John the Baptist and Boaz.
Boaz is one of my heroes. He is a great picture of Jesus Christ. His name means, "strength, mighty man". In other words, he didn't drink "decaf" and drive a mini van (just kidding - driving a mini van actually shows you are more of a man because you are laying your life down for your wife and kids, you're willing to bleed; seriously - that's my view on mini vans). "BOAZ" is where we get the term, "BO-UP". Not really; but it sounds good!
Boaz's story is interesting. He's a man's man; a dude's dude, according to one preacher; yet his story is found in an Old Testament Scripture with a woman's name as the title, the book of Ruth. Chapter 2 verse 1 of Ruth tells the Boaz's story and it begins by describing him as "a worthy man".
That's the FIRST things said of this guy. I don't know what the first thing that would be said or thought of me...or you...I hope it would be something like that. Men, what is the FIRST thing your wife or the those closet to you would say about you and me? I hope it's a "worthy man and not wimpy man." Are we "worthy men"? Does the church have any "worthy men"?
BLOG SERIES - going Boaz
I'm starting a blog series of what a "worthy man" is. We'll look at the life of Boaz and see how he is a picture of Jesus Christ, the WORTHIEST MAN OF ALL TIME! We'll look at the characteristics that the Book of Ruth lay out for us. Just to give you a sneak peek: Boaz was a:
- "Fighter",
- "Lover",
- "Redeemer",
- "Protector",
- "Planner",
- "Leader"
- "Bless-er"
In other words, when he was a little boy, he was "bi-lingual". He could speak English and "Tonka"..."vrummm, vrumm'. If he was alive today, he would work out to "insanity workout videos"; he would have loved Chuck Norris movies; he would watch WWE on Monday nights and College Gameday ESPN on Saturday mornings; he most likely would have had lots of camouflage in his closet; and because he was the kind of MAN we need today; he would have fought for sexual purity/holiness. That's a real man.We don't have enough "real men; worthy men" in the church today. Sure, we have some. Not enough. I want to be a "worthy man." I want to be a picture of Jesus. Dude, do you?
I recently came upon an article written by Brian Mavis on how to reach men in the to "fix" men (it gave me the vrumm, vrumm illustration idea by the way). The article talked about how the church is failing in this endeavor. The following paragraph is an INCREDIBLE - and I think, ACCURATE explanation of what the church has done to MEN...PLEASE READ...
"In many cases the church hasn’t done much better than the world at “fixing men.” They’ve put a 21st century spin on a similar first-century problem. Two thousand years ago, there was some confusion about what it took to become a Christian man. Some people believed that Gentile men had to be circumcised to be real Christians. Today the church has moved the knife a few inches, no longer performing a circumcision but a castration. I’m speaking metaphorically of course. But the problem is real. Just like the world, the church often tries to take the “manliness” out of a man instead of taking his God-given strengths and finding their rightful use in the kingdom. God wants man as He made him. Man isn’t meant to chase skirts, but he’s not meant to be in one either (unless you’re Scottish—and it still looks weird)."
I believe all churches should post a sign outside it's doors for men: MEN, NO SKIRTS ALLOWED. I'm all for the "metro-man". I'm one myself. Metro does not mean you wear skirts though. It simply means you have enough fashion sense to stop tight rolling your jeans. You can be a metro man and still drive a GMC Sierra.
In the next couple of posts, we'll begin to look at "going Boaz." I hope you'll check in. It's "T-time."
Friday, April 29, 2011
Frameworks Of Interpretation
Take a look at the following verse:
Now of course, God IS Omnipresent and He is with you whether you are by yourself or if you are in the presence of others...So what's my point? Well many times, the aforementioned verse and a host of others, are taken way out of context. For instance, read alone and without a proper framework in which to understand it, Matthew 18.20 is sometimes used to say that we must have two or three gathered in order to know that God is with us...this is not in line with what the passage actually teaches, nor with what The Bible as a whole teaches. So what do we do?
To start, we must read in terms of a framework instead of simply pulling a verse out in isolation. Scriptural references and verse numbers are great, but think about it, in our own day-to-day conversations, we don't speak in sentence-by- sentence manner...we have a context of person, place, and time in which we say certain things.
In the same manner, when reading Scripture, we must read with the proper framework, and this framework is based around certain understandings of context, genre's, observations, etc.
In terms of context, we have the context of content and the context of culture. With content, we must read the surrounding paragraphs in order to understand the verse at hand. Our minds work in a whole-parts-whole manner, so we need to interpret the part in light of the whole. In terms of culture, we need to know the who, what, when, where, and why of the passage.
So going back to Matthew 18.20 noted above, we need to, at the very least, start at verse 15 and see that Jesus is speaking about a situation where a brother in the Church may need to be ex-communicated due to non repented sin and unchanging behavior. In this process, there needs to be two or three witnesses, and so Jesus is saying, if these witnesses and the Church are in line with Biblical teachings and find that this particular brother is turning his back on such teachings, then Jesus will agree with the two or three witnesses and "will be among them" in this ex-communication process.
In conclusion, here are a few more frameworks that anyone can implement in order to better understand The Scriptures:
> Use the two types of context: content and cultural
> Use OIA
• Observation (ask who, what, when, where, why?)
• Interpretation (what is going on then and there?)
• Application (How do we apply it here and now?)
> Understand the proper Genre of Scripture - just as we read newspapers, magazines, ads, announcements, articles, etc, we need to know Biblical genre's as the genre historical narrative, law, wisdom, psalm, prophecy, apocalyptic, Gospel, or epistle (letter)?
> We need to interpret the New Testament in light of the Old Testament
> Be objective instead of subjective: Never ask, "what does this verse mean to you?" The better question is "what does this verse mean?"
Here are two really good books for gaining proper insight into God's Word:
How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
Never Read A Bible Verse - by Greg Koukl (FREE 20 page book from Stand To Reason)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Love Wins? No, Jesus Saves!
...The Good News of The Bible is not that "Love Wins," but rather, "Jesus Saves." What does Jesus save us from? He saves us from the "disease" of humanity known as sin. Bell has it all wrong...another blasphemous statement he makes in the video is that Jesus is saving us from a wrathful God, as though it is God versus Jesus instead of God versus satan.
Jesus is not saving us from God...Jesus is bringing us to God...Jesus is the path to God, and the only path at that! Jesus brings us to God by saving us from sin and death and a life of eternal torment. We are on a sailboat to hell and Jesus thankfully was sent on a rescue mission by God The Father to reverse our direction and redeem humanity back to Himself, restoring the image that sin tarnished...this is the core message of look at John 3.16 shows this to be true, and you don't have to have a Ph.D. in Theology to understand it!
Bell's message is basically saying to do whatever the hell you want because everyone ends up in Heaven...
That would be like a doctor who knows his patient is sick, yet tells them to go ahead and live on without worry, because in the end everything works out...
Let me conclude with one final thought. If a diabetic needs insulin to live yet chooses not to take it, they would not die just because they refused insulin. They would die because they refused to receive what insulin and only insulin can do. To an even stronger extent, people do not go to hell simply because of a refusal to believe in Jesus, as though He was some pride and joy trophy that satisfies God's, they end up in hell because Jesus not only sustains life, He restores the life God desires for us to live...Jesus is Salvation...He is THE cure to the disease...Jesus gives us victory over sin and death...
Love wins because Jesus Saves. Jesus diagnoses the problem and offers the solution. I pray for Rob Bell and his followers to come to this understanding...
Friday, January 28, 2011
Adam & Eve...Predestined To Sin?
Not having the perspective of God Himself, I by no means claim a dogmatic declaration that my Arminian view is correct, but I want to at least put a "stone in the shoe"* of the Calvinist viewpoint, and make them think about some inconsistent doctrines they hold...I could give many examples and even point out tons of Scripture, but that will just lead to the prooftexting battle that has already gone on for I want to take a more philosophical approach...
Calvinist will say the following: "God created Adam and Eve for a relationship with Himself, but their sin brought an end to that. God became an object of hostility to them and to us (Romans 8.7), and we all became 'objects of wrath' (Ephesians 2.3) to Him." **
Stone In The Shoe Response: If the Calvinist view is correct, then this means by default, that God predestined, and thus determined Adam and Eve to sin...God determined for the human race to be hostile towards Himself...God determined humans to be "objects of wrath."
Yet, at the same time, Calvinist will claim that God is good, loving, and perfect...which He is...but, by being good, loving, and perfect, God can not be the author of evil and sin.
Friends, how do Calvinist sleep at night? I don't see any way around this...if God is the screenwriter of determinism and predestination, then He deliberately chose Adam and Eve to sin and thus desired the human race to be separated from Himself...
Prooftext all you want, try to cherry pick your Scripture references of election (election will be discussed next) all day long, but that is simply skimming the surface instead of obtaining a deeper and more contextual understanding...
...but on the other hand, when one views Scripture as a WHOLE instead of pieces and parts, God's true character shines through...He is a God who desires***, but does not will us to love Him...thus, because of our choosing, we became objects of wrath, not because He determined a result, through the incarnation, Christ becomes the Author and Perfecter of our Faith, sent on a rescue mission to redeem our incorrect choice of lust, not to cover up his predetermined plan of sin...
The next post will deal with choosing and rejecting God...What exactly does "elect" mean, and Do we have a choice in all of this?
*Greg Koukl, in his amazing book Tactics, (a MUST read for all followers of Jesus Christ) discusses this great concept of "putting a stone in their shoe." Greg is of the Reformed/Calvinist persuasion. Again, I love Calvinist, and I learn from them...I am simply trying to put a "stone in their shoe!"
**This is an excerpt from a fabulous book, The 5 Minute Theologian. Again, the author is Reformed, so it is a great book, I just happen to disagree with The Doctrine of Salvation from the inconsistent Calvinist viewpoint.
***You may claim I am prooftexting here, but I simply provide this link to show that my philosophical viewpoints are grounded in Scripture, not my own opinions.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
No Chance For Chance

I was curious this morning, as I am most mornings, and I was hoping someone, specifically a naturalist, or perhaps a group of evolutionary biologists, could help me understand the pictures above.
How is it that the architecture of the PowerMac computer MUST have a designer responsible for it's creation, and that anyone with a sound mind knows that there is NO way, that it could have been put together by random events...but when some people see images from the human anatomy and think about life as we know it, they actually come to a conclusion that we are nothing more than the products of time and chance?
...there is no chance for chance...
The sooner everyone realizes this, the sooner our world will improve. Belief in evolution and naturalism does not simply stop at the discussion of origins, it bleeds into the outcomes of our decisions. The way we view and understand God shapes every fabric of life...'s time to stop believing in science fiction.
...Jesus is Truth. Jesus is reality.
He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made;
without him nothing was made that has been made.
~ John 1.1-3 ~
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Loving God With All Your Mind
• Loving God with all of our mind would facilitate Followers of Jesus Christ in the re-shaping of culture from secular to sacred...
This is so important because understanding and loving God with our mind leads to an understanding of Christian truth...and Christian truth is the truth of reality...therefore, if there is a lack of mental discipline, then our understanding of truth goes from objective to subjective (the famous cry of "what is true for you may not be true for me.")...and a subjective truth is the foundational issue to most political, social, and cultural problems we face today...i.e. political we need to get back to the objective truth and away from postmodern relativism...
• Knowing and Loving God with our mind is a benefit, not a detractor...when it comes to the mind and knowledge of God, some will go as far to say that knowledge takes away our need for faith...this is not true, because faith and knowledge are not enemies of each other...they complement each strengthens the other...
...if knowledge is harmful to our faith, then that would mean any evidence whatsoever for Jesus Christ would actually be a bad thing...even General and Special Revelation...why would anyone believe or have faith in something in which they have no reason for believing it?...the anti-intellectualism has to important as experience and feelings are, we must base them off of truth...what happens when your friend or family member does not "feel" the need for God? Does that mean that they don't need Him? Of course not...our feelings should not be our spiritual compass...
...the Buddhist, the Hindu, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, atheist, etc, all have a faith in something, they all have fuzzy feelings, and feel good experiences, but that does not mean what they believe is true...The Christian on the other hand has a world view that lines up with reality...
• I am not saying we have to be sold out on Evidentialism, because I am a firm believer in The Holy Spirit and how He reveals truth...I also believe that most of what we believe as true is not something that has to proven with empirical evidence. (i.e. Love, Aesthetics and beauty, morality, thoughts, etc)
• I do want to stress what another Biola professor has stated, when he says, "our picture of God in written revelation should harmonize with what we already know about God from natural revelation." And that is precisely what The Christian, Biblical, Trinitarian God does!
• people may quote 1 Corinthians 8.1, and state that "knowledge puffs up," but I love the rebuttal J.P. Moreland gives, "If knowledge “puffs up”, the solution is not IGNORANCE. The solution is HUMILITY."
'Love your neighbor as yourself."' ~ Luke 10.27~
Three Ways Christians Must Change
Moreland holds degrees in Chemistry, Theology, and Philosophy...he also wrote a book (among many others) that should be required reading for all Christ Followers, called Love God With All Your Mind.