Friday, July 15, 2011

Defend And Destroy

We destroy arguments and every lofty
opinion raised against the
knowledge of God
2 Corinthians 10.5

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As Christians, we need to be well-educated so that we can win the battle of good over evil. I like how Wintery Knight puts it:

"...if we study everything very well, people will link our intelligence to our faith. They’ll say “if you’ve put this much thought into economics, then you must have a well-thought-out faith, too”. Being well-rounded makes you more convincing, more influential on moral and cultural issues, and more effective at
turning conversations to the gospel."

The reason I bring this up is because it amazes me how we live in a society of so-called tolerance, inclusiveness, and diversity, yet Christians are the only ones who are not tolerated, not included, nor accepted into the diversity club. A prime example of this can be read about in an amazingly well written and shocking article over at, called the Cisco Kid. It's discusses how Dr. Frank Turek, the well-known Christian Apologist, author, speaker, radio host, and leadership consultant, got fired from his position at Cisco, simply because he is a Christian who has moral and ethical values. So it appears the definition of tolerance has been transformed to only tolerating those you agree with...which is an absurdity because one can only tolerate what one disagrees with. I like how Dr. Turek describes how we now see inclusion and diversity being applied:

..."'inclusion' and 'diversity' only applies when an employee agrees with them."

In other words, "it is not inclusion nor diversity when a person is excluded because of his or her different view."

So as Christian who can influence culture, we must take the commandment of 2 Corinthians 10:5 seriously. We nee to educate ourselves and be clear thinking Christians. We need to know how to articulate and how to be equipped to discuss the issues of our time...we need to know how to Defend and Destroy the nonsense that is going on in our culture...Christians need to understand things such as the First Amendment, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act...we must be able to take a stand in the market place of ideas...we must put aside the pseudo-humility and non-involvement so that we can think and take action.

One last note: Do you want to know how the devil is working today? Take a look at our companies who fire Christians...take a look at our politicians and what they legislate...the enemy uses two words to destroy our culture: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS...

So what can we do? Begin by educating and equipping yourself. Here are some great books to get you started on how to transform culture instead of culture destroying you:

Tactics - by Greg Koukl
Moral Relativism -
by Greg Koukl and Francis Beckwith
Legislating Morality -
by Dr. Frank Turek and Norm Geisler
The Case For Life -
by Scott Klusendorf
Christian Ethics -
by Norm Geisler
Basic Economics -
by Thomas Sowell
Correct Not Politically Correct -
by Dr. Frank Turek
Politics-According To The Bible
- by Wayne Grudem
Money, Greed, And God - Why Capitalism Is The Solution And Not The Problem -
by Jay Wesley Richards
Body & Soul - by J.P. Moreland and Scott B. Rae