Thursday, June 26, 2008

Where are you?

The next couple of blog entries from Christian will be a series. We'll take a look at where each of us are "hiding". We will discuss 4 "hiding" places. We all hide...just depends where we are hiding...3 of the places are negative...1 of the places are's the place we WANT to "hide". That will be our last topic in this series so STAY WITH US!


Let me start by telling you about my daughter who the Lord promised Whitney and myself. Her name is Kate Gray. She is now 10 months old, almost 11! Praise the Triune God! WE LOVE HER. MY FAVORITE thing in life is to COME HOME, HUG WHITNEY and then lay down on the GROUND and LET KATE GRAY CRAWL and SPIT UP ALL OVER ME! MY FAMILY plays a game with her. She plays along so well. We do it a bunch of DIFFERENT WAYS, but the funniest is when we are sitting on a COUCH and Kate Gray is at SOMEONE’S FEET. She will be in the SQUAT POSITION “HIDING FROM US”. She’ll look at the person next to her and give a smile, like “watch this, I got ‘em”. The person whose feet she is SQUATTING by will LOOK around, ACTING LIKE THEY DON’T SEE HER and say, “WHERE’S KATE GRAY? WHERE’S KATE GRAY? And then she’ll STAND UP as FAST as she can, LAUGH and SMILE and we’ll say, “THERE SHE IS!” Immediately, she will SQUAT at their FEET again, “HIDING” from them and we’ll say, “WHERE’S KATE GRAY? WHERE’S KATE GRAY?


AT THIS MOMENT, as “YOU” SIT BEFORE GOD in READING THIS BLOG, I want to ASK YOU, “WHERE ARE YOU?” Where am I? WHERE ARE “YOU” in YOUR LIFE WITH JESUS CHRIST? Where is your Bible? Do you know? Where has your prayer life been? We're not talking about your "multi-task" prayer life...the prayers you do while your doing something else...those are great, but where is your sit down intentional prayer time with God? Where is your love for your family and friends...for the world who is lost without Jesus? For the hungry? Where are you in your relationship, communion, and life with Jesus Christ?

God asked ADAM that QUESTION one COOL DAY in the GARDEN in GENESIS 3. ADAM and his wife, EVE, had just eaten FRUIT from the TREE of the KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL; the very THING GOD had COMMANDED ADAM NOT to DO. Their EYES were OPENED and they COVERED themselves in FIG LEAVES. That’s the MOMENT GOD asked the MAN, “WHERE ARE YOU?” –

Tomorrow, we'll take a look at Genesis 3:8-10 and continue finding out where some of us might be hiding. It's the first hiding place: behind a TREE.