Thursday, September 25, 2008

Promise Land Preparation, Part II

Welcome back to 'Promise Land Preparation' Series! You can review part one by clicking here: Preparation To Enter The Promise Land, Part 1

The next two posts will be from Deuteronomy 1. Today's focus will be on Deuteronomy 1.19-25. We will nutshell 2 crucial points today of What God teaches us about Entering our Promise Land

God Has Promised Us The Promise Land - Take It!
There I told you, "You've made it to the Amorite hill country that God, our God, is giving us. Look, God, your God, has placed this land as a gift before you. Go ahead and take it now. God, the God-of-Your-Fathers, promised it to you. Don't be afraid. Don't lose heart." (From Deut 1.19-21 MSG, emphasis added)

What more confirmation do we need? Fellow Christ Follower, don't hesitate-Take the land. God is giving it to you! No Fear. Your Fear should only be reserved for God, but you shall fear no one else. You shall fear nothing else.

Scout Out Your Promise Land
But then you all came to me and said, "Let's send some men on ahead to scout out the land for us and bring back a report on the best route to take and the kinds of towns we can expect to find." That seemed like a good idea to me, so I picked twelve men, one from each tribe. They set out, climbing through the hills (From Deuteronomy 1.22-25 MSG, emphasis added).

Scout out your land and by all means do your research and due diligence. However, realize that God did not have them scout out their land in order to determine if they should take it or not. To the contrary, God gave them the land to take, so they only needed to scout it out to determine what it was like once they arrived!

Promise Land Pearls
1. God's Promise: Realize that God has a promise land in store for you. Be ready to Take It!
2. God's Path: Know God's path to your Promise Land and do your research. Scout your land, not to determine if you should take it, but instead, to know about it when you do take it!