Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whatever It Takes, Part I

Christian wrote a post back in 2007 called "Whatever It Takes" and it rocked my world about how 4 buddies did whatever it took to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus, because they knew if they could get their friend in the presence of Jesus, then their friend would become healed....

So that post in combination with Discipleship Moments on The Track with Christian, have inspired me to write this new series of posts.....

"Whatever It Takes," "You've Got To Want It," "You've Got To Live It, Eat It, Dream It..." These are some very common sayings we hear when it comes to being successful in life, sports, and business, which are all extremely important endeavors. The sad thing is though, I can not remember ever hearing these statements or anything close to them when it comes to putting Jesus Christ first in our lives...

We say Jesus is first in our lives, but then we skip Church to attend a practice. We say we love God and He is our life, but then we miss Sunday Worship because of a football weekend. We want to Pray every day but our daily routine is too busy that we make no effort to speak to The One who has blessed us with all the opportunity in the first place....We do "Whatever It Takes" in order to succeed in almost any area of life yet we are not willing to even put in the bare minimum when it comes to following and loving Jesus Christ with our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength (Mark 12.30 NIV).

Perspective From The Track
Christian and I were talking the other day after an intense training session on the track, and he really hammered home the importance of putting Jesus Christ #1 and doing whatever it takes in building our relationship with Him.

I will bullet points some of the key issues in the next post, but Here's the deal. Don't stop giving it your all in sports, business, relationships, and in life. Please continue to go all out and do whatever it takes to become your best with what God has blessed you with...we are called to do everything for God's Glory (1 Corinthians 10.31)...we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2.10), but what we all must understand, definitely what I must understand, is that there is nothing more important than our life relationship with our Creator God, our Savior and Brother Jesus, and our Counselor The Holy Ghost.

So what is the solution? How do we balance what God has called us to do, using the talents and gifts He has Blessed us with, while at the same time maintaining our commitment to following Him and speaking with Him on a daily basis?

Tune in to part 2 of this post to find out more...