Thursday, March 5, 2009

Enhancing Attention

Mental exercises on Enhancing Attention help us to focus on what we read as well as what we observe. Take the following test and see how you do? Then, let's see how it applies to Reading Scripture.

Take a few seconds, normal reading speed, and read the following:***




In each phrase, an article is repeated. If you saw it, Great. If you did not see it, it is because you are reading on automatic. You saw the phrases and felt familiar with them, skipping over the obvious.

Attention On Scripture
How do we read Scripture? Are we only reading on automatic? Are we only reading what we want to read or seeing only what we want to see? Take for example the following two verses:

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
(Psalm 37.4)

If you remain in me and my words remain in you,
ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
(John 15.7)

How do we read those two verses? Did we go on automatic and blow right past the first parts (see blue text) and only see the second parts (see red text)?

So many times, at least in my experience, our focus is only on the "desires of our heart" and "it will be given you" and we don't even see that our focus should be with our relationship to The Lord.

Jesus enhanced His attention for us, His Focus was on us as He hung on The Cross. I Pray my focus and attention are on Him...if they are, everything else will fall into place!

*** The above test comes compliments from Dr. Barry Gordon, M.D., Ph.D, and Lisa Berger, from their amazing book, "Intelligent Memory."