Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pass the Ketchup

We are nothing
I think one of the greatest “blessings” of all time is to recognize we are NOTHING/ have NOTHING without Jesus.

He even said in Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

In other words, “You are blessed when you are EMPTY of yourself, and FULL OF ME (JESUS)!”

God is our everything
I like Psalm 40:17 in the Message and NIV respectively:

And me? I’m a mess. I’m nothing and have nothing: make something of me. YOU can do it; You’ve got what it takes—but God, don’t put it off.” (MSG)

Yet I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer O my God, do not delay.” (NIV)

God can do it!
It is the first of all blessings in the Beatitudes. It was the beginning of our salvation…to realize we are a mess without Jesus. He can make something of our lives, our marriages, our families; Jesus can make something of our work/income; our present and our future. HE CAN DO IT…HE’S GOT THE GOODS. Jesus, may you make something of our lives…

Ketchup Christians
Maybe at times, Jesus takes so long to “help” us and “deliver” us because He’s got to “shake” the “us” out of “us”…Sometimes, we are like ketchup…we take a long time to get to the “end of ourselves”.

When He finally “squirts” us out of ourselves, we are empty, ready to be filled with His life…His Kingdom!

May the Lord think of each of you. May the Lord make something of each of you, our families; our ministries, our work. I know He does. I know He will. He can do it.