Monday, February 23, 2009

Strength For The Day and Your SCI

If you are like me, you need strength for each day...Raw strength, The Strength that comes from God's Word. And the great thing about meditating upon His Word everyday is the cumulative factor that comes with it...the consistency of digging into Prayer, listening to His Voice, and following His ways is like adding up a Spiritual Compound Interest (SCI).

So the investment this morning comes from the Word "Fortress" and the phrase "Greater Things."

Psalm 27.1 says, "The Lord is my light and my salvation—so why should I be afraid?
The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble?"

Jeremiah 1.18 says, "My power will make you strong like a fortress or a column of iron or a wall of bronze."

John 1.50
has an account of Jesus speaking to Nathanael, and Jesus tells him, "You will see greater things than this.” Mark Batterson has an Amazing new series out on this passage...check it out, it's a great new Faith-Building series!

Attack today praising God for every breath (Psalm 39) you take, realizing He is your Fortress, there is no one and nothing to fear...believe in Him and believe that He wants to use you for His Plans, and as you follow His ways and become more and more like Him (1 John 2.6) you will add to your SCI and will see "Greater Things!"