Thursday, July 30, 2009

Destiny:Soul Cravings

See below a Great excerpt about 'Destiny' from Erwin McManus, in his book, Soul Cravings:

As children we assume that greatness is within our grasp.

Whatever inspires us, we begin to dream that one day we will be the best. It is only as we lose our child like innocence that we begin to settle for far less. A part of growing up seems to be acquiescing to mediocrity. It's easy to say that we're just becoming realistic, that it's just a part of growing up. But, in fact, it's the death our our souls.

When we stop dreaming, we start dying.

For some of us, this has been a slow, painful death. Others are just walking dead. They died a long time ago, and its nothing less than a freak of nature that they're still breathing.

Are you alive? Are you dreaming for greatness?
We must dream in order to be great.
We must Pray to have a sense of destiny...We must LIVE with Holy Anticipation...

Mediocrity does not exist in this dojo...

Dream it...Live it...Think it...Do it...For as he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23.7)