Sunday, September 6, 2009

Praise God The King!

Psalm 145.1-6,21 GWT

1I will highly praise you, my God, the king. I will bless your name forever and ever.

2 I will bless you every day.
I will praise your name forever and ever.

3 The Lord is great, and he should be highly praised.
His greatness is unsearchable.

4 One generation will praise your deeds to the next.
Each generation will talk about your mighty acts.

5 I will think about the glorious honor of your majesty
and the miraculous things you have done.

6 People will talk about the power of your terrifying deeds,
and I will tell about your greatness.

21 My mouth will speak the praise of the Lord,
and all living creatures will praise his holy name
forever and ever.