Sunday, November 22, 2009

Done with Jesus?

17 Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?18 Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?" ~Luke 17:17-18 (NIV)

God is not done with you yet!
A lot of times I will hear people say, and with eternal reason and significance, "God is not done with you yet!"

I love this reality because it helps me remember that though my life seems insignificant at times, God has given me a reason to live for and a cause to die for.

However, here is what I am wondering during this Thanksgiving week: "Not is gone done with you, but are you done with God?"

Are you done with God?
There is a passage of Scripture in Luke 17:11-19 where the majority of the people were "done with God" once He gave them what they needed. 9 out 10 people "got" what they needed from Jesus, and then, were "done with Him."

The 9
Who were these 9? They were the 9 lepers isolated in the village outside the borders of Galilee and Samaria. Jesus entered their village (no one else would because of their disease), paid attention to them (when no one else would), listened to their cry, and purified them of their illness. They were to go the priests and show themselves. As they went, they were healed. At that moment, 9 got all they needed from Jesus and walked away. Only 1 wasn't "done with Him yet."

17 Jesus asked, "Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?18 Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"

Are you "done with God?" As Thanksgiving week approaches, we have so much to be thankful for (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). However, here's the deal: we can easily find "9" other things to do "before" we thank Jesus..."9" other things before we thank Him for saving our lives..."9" other things to do before praising Him, worshiping at His feet.

The One
Nothing came "before" Jesus for this 1 man who was purified of his disease. As he was walking to show himself to the priests, his decaying fingers began to grow back; his skin began to soften and regain color; his eyesight got clearer; he could even feel the ground he was walking on. At that moment, he stopped dead in his tracks, turned around, ran to Jesus and fell at His feet. He praised Him with such a loud voice you would have thought he had a megaphone. He worshiped Him like He never worshiped before. He thanked Him like it was going out of style. I love what verse 15 says:

"One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, "Praise God!"

He Came Back
He "came back". Everything about our relationship with Jesus Christ is found in those 3 words,

"He came back".
"He came back."
"He came back."

In other words, this one guy was NOT DONE WITH JESUS YET! He was healed, but wanted to be saved! He knew He was in the presence of God and He wanted more. "He came back."

That's what you do when you are not done with God yet. You keep coming back wanting more of Him...more of His presence...more of his healing...purifying you of sin...saving you from your hopelessness. Jesus was these 10 guys only hope. They had been cut off from family, friends, even worshiping at the temple. They had no options. No reason to live...until Jesus "entered" their village.

Jesus has entered
Jesus has entered our village. Your village. He not only came from Heaven to earth. He came from Heaven to your soul! You and I were dead in sin. No cause. No hope. Maybe that led you to cry out to Him like the 10 lepers did. Maybe He has healed you of your impurities. But even now, you may feel isolated, cut off, and worthless. You know you have eternal salvation, but what about daily salvation, practical salvation while on earth? You may only have a faint cry for Jesus to have mercy on you. I pray, when He does, and He will as you cry to Him in faith, even weak faith, that you will not walk away and be done with Him. I pray you will "see" your transformation, your healing, and stop dead in your tracks, "come back" to Him and desire more of Jesus...the very presence of God! That is a daily salvation! THANK GOD FOR OUR SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!

Happy Thanksgiving!