Monday, May 31, 2010

The Cross of Christ vs Darwinism's Rubber Ruler

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
~ Hebrews 13.8 ~

An article by The Institute For Creation Research, entitled, Darwin's Rubber Ruler, made me think about our existence and how life began. Followers of Darwin or believers in evolution constantly keep changing their theories, altering their beliefs to "fit" whatever it is that will make their irrational minds sleep better at night.

The main problem I have with these so called "intellectuals" who follow Darwin, evolution, naturalism, or whatever crazy idea it is that they can use to rationalize their irrationality, is that they believe that they are the only ones who 'think' and that it is their thinking that leads to truth, whereas Christians on the other hand do not think because we only rely on faith.

Faith is a key player as followers of Jesus Christ, but God also blessed us with minds to think and He allows our logic to lead us closer to His love. I like how Steve Blakemore, Executive Director of The Institute for Third Millennium Faith puts it:

"Even if the grandeur and scope of our faith transcends the limits of human reason, we still recognize that belief in God is logical. This was certainly the case for the earliest Fathers of the Church, who understood the importance of right reason in the service of our faith. They often speak of our experience of Christ as fides quaestio intellectum — "faith in search of understanding."

See, as Christ Followers, we have a Faith that leads to an understanding. Evolutionist's and skeptics want an understanding that will then lead to faith. The problem is that evolutionist's do have faith, but it's faith in the wrong thing, that thing being chance and random accidents (more on this in the next post).

Evolutionist's and non-believing scientist's want an understanding that is derived from hard facts. They want a measure that proves that something exist. The problem with this is that the very thing they pride themselves on is their major contradiction. They claim precision, validity, reliability, yet when it comes to their beliefs, instead of pulling out a hard standard of measurement, they pull out their flexible rubber ruler that changes based on what they want the outcome to be. Their convictions are their contradictions.

Thanks be to God that
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. The Cross of Christ does not contradict, and it allows the logical mind that God created us with to lead us to the logical reasoning, and the faith, that He is The Creator of all life.