Friday, July 15, 2011

Calvinism, Election, And False Love

Just read a great entry from the Wesleyan Arminian blog about Calvinism and Election. They mentioned a movie illustration from the film, When In Rome, to teach how the process of election preceding faith leads to a "false" love...a love that is merely pre-programmed instead of authentic and genuine...

Click here to read the short blog entry from the Wesleyan Arminian blog, and then take a look at the clip from the movie that I have provided here:

So you can see, these individuals may "think" they actually love Beth, but they have no way to know other wise because they have been simply "programmed" or "elected" to do so.

On the contrary, God wants those who freely choose Him. That is why in Revelation 3:20, Jesus offers us the "If-Then" option that establishes the possibilities for counter-factuals and libertarian free will. He showers all of mankind with a Prevenient Grace...a grace that we must have before we can be justified and sanctified, but it is also a resistible Grace that leads to an authentic love via free will...

Allow me to summarize by quoting A.W. Tozer, who stated,

"A God less than sovereign could not bestow moral freedom upon His creatures. He would be afraid to do so."

Be sure to read Tozer's excellent article,
The Sovereignty of God
, which demonstrates how the free-will of man does not limit God's actually Proves God's Sovereignty.