Saturday, December 24, 2011

Evidence? It Goes Both Ways!

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas Day, we can't help but think and ponder about one of the greatest miracles of all-time...The Virgin Birth, God entering the world in human flesh...which leads me to then meditate upon The Resurrection Of Christ...God redeeming all of humanity.

...but what about those who don't believe? I often hear the atheistic theme song of "evidence, I need more evidence." Or if it's not their theme song, perhaps it's the famous sound bite that says, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

...Well, to the atheist, the game goes both state that "God does not exist" and that "miracles are not possible," so I would like to say to you, "prove it!" You make an extraordinary claim so you better give me some extraordinary evidence!

So what will the atheist do? Here are some attempts:

1. Only science can show us what is true. Oh really? This statement is one that is philosophical in nature, and itself is not testable by the scientific method.

2. Macro-evolution is true and Darwin is god...Oh really? Give me some extraordinary evidence that shows this extraordinary claim to be the case. How does a Darwinian mechanism create the first replicator? Where are all the fossils showing transitions between species? How do you explain the Cambrian explosion? Please show me evidence how random mutation and natural selection gets around the problem of irreducibly complex mechanisms such as the human eye, ATP Synthase, and Bacteria Flagella. Please show me evidence on how disorder can create order and how time and chance can create the detailed code and the specified complexity of DNA language. In short, why is there something rather than nothing?

3. You can't prove a universal negative. Oh really? You think you are going to escape the burden of proof do you? There are no zebras who play for the New England Patriots. There are no married bachelors. There is no water molecule made of is that for proving universal negatives!

I will conclude with a dialogue from William Lane Craig:

The claim on the lips of today’s New Atheists,
"We have been given the tools of reason, inquiring minds and a good education and we judge religion as we judge everything else" now appears to be empty posturing. If this assertion is really true, then when you say, "As an atheist I assert that God, and your God in particular does not exist," you’d better be prepared to respond when I ask, “Really? What proof, evidence, or argument can you provide to convince me?”

Praise Be To God who provides more than enough evidence for His existence and for His Love...demonstrated as He entered into time, space, matter, and energy...stepping into our lives through Jesus Christ. The Scriptures speak of it, creation concludes it, and reality reflects it! Victory IN Christ and Merry Christmas!