Saturday, July 12, 2008

Do You See It? Part III

The Character: Moses

The Context: Exodus 3 & 4

The Calling: "I'm sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the People of Israel, out of Egypt." (Exodus 3.10)

The Conversation: These are the excuses Moses brings to God...
1. But Why Me? (Exodus 3.11)
*Moses feels insecure, unqualified, & thinks God picked the wrong leader
2. Who Are You? (Exodus 3.13)
* Moses felt he did not know God well enough in order to tell the people of Israel about Him
3. They won't trust me, they won't listen to me (Exodus 4.1)
* Moses was focusing on the people instead of focusing on God
4. I don't speak well (Exodus 4.10)
* Moses focused on his weaknesses instead of magnifying God's power
5. "Oh, Master, please! Send somebody else!" (Exodus 4.13)
* Moses feels inferior in comparison to others and thinks he does not have what it takes

The Confirmation: Take a look at how God counters the excuses of Moses
1. "I'll be with you," God said. (Exodus 3.12)
* God is telling Moses, "Hey, I chose you. Don't worrying about your weaknesses. You are
strong in me. Stop worrying and start Worshiping!"
2. "I-AM-WHO-I-AM." (Exodus 3.14)
* God is always present and He is every thing and all that we need!
3. "Believe me, they will listen to you." (Exodus 3.18, 4.2-9)
* God is saying, "Moses, I AM WITH, I Promise, they will hear you!
4. "And who do you think made your mouth." (Exodus 4.11-12)
* God is saying, "Moses, I am The Carpenter Of Creation, If I am Calling you I will equip you!"
Oh, and by the way, God reaffirms Moses again that He will be with Moses AND teach him
what to say!!!
5. I am sending you a fellow warrior! (Paraphrased from Exodus 4.14)
* God hears the plea of Moses about not being able to talk, so God calls up his fellow warrior, his brother Aaron who is good with words and speaks very well.
* But God still tells Moses that Aaron may do the speaking, but God is not letting Moses off the hook, it will still be Moses who decides what comes out of Aaron's mouth!
* Oh yea, by the way, God again tells Moses that He will be with Moses and Aaron as they
speak, teaching them step by step!!!
* A little motivation for you: God got angry at Moses when Moses came up with his 5th excuse (see above). Take a look at the beginning of Exodus 4.14 (NIV)...

Then the LORD's anger burned against Moses

Fellow Spartan, My goal is to please God, (Numbers 14.8-9) not to make Him angry. So if He is calling you, take advantage of it, because He wants to take you into the Promise Land as you lead His people there with you!!!

The Culmination: The Resume Of Moses
  • Egyptian education; desert training
  • Greatest Jewish Leader; Set the exodus in motion
  • Moses leads his people from slavery as God Splits The Red Sea!
  • Prepares the Jews to enter The Promise Land (The Land of Canaan)
  • Prophet and lawgiver; Recorder of The Ten Commandments
  • Author of the Pentateuch
  • Unleashed the Ten Plagues against Egypt
The Celebration
Go and Pray through The Song Of Moses in Exodus 15! It's a great way to celebrate! I love how Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to The Lord in response of their great victory of God leading them through The Red Sea!

~ Other Notes and Lessons from the life of Moses include the following ~

Weaknesses and Mistakes
  • Failed to enter the promised land because of disobedience to God
  • Did not always recognize and use the talents of others
Lessons from his life
  • God prepares, then uses. His timetable is LIFE-SIZED!
  • God does His greatest work through frail people
God wants to not necessarily change you, but instead He wants to SHAPE you. He may not necessarily give you new abilities or strengths, but will take your characteristics and mold them until they are suited for HIS purposes. He wants to take what He created in the first place and use it for its intended purposes. In other words, He wants to excavate what is DEEP within you and unleash it with reckless abandon!!!

React In A New Way With New Character
When you read and study the life of Moses, you will find He was always reacting. Over the years, God shaped the character of Moses so much, that Moses still reacted, but learned to react correctly! So use what God has given you, but allow Him to shape and mold you in such a way that you use everything He has Blessed you with in the way He has designed you!

Prayer Mode
Go into Prayer, intense deep conversation with God, and instead of asking him, "What should I change into?" ask Him, "How do you want me to use the strengths and the abilities you have blessed me with to do your will?"

Do You See It?
Are you a next generation leader? Will your life be written down as the next "Spartan?" Will you leave a legacy? Are you the Moses in the lives around you? Seek God, answer His Call, and live for His Glory! Harooh!