Saturday, July 26, 2008

If You Only Knew: Going Deeper Devo!


10 Jesus replied, “If you only knew11 But sir, you don’t have a rope or a bucket,” she said, “and this well is very DEEP. Where would you get this living water?

(John 4:10-11; NLT)

Once upon a time there was a woman who did not know Jesus. One day, she went to a well to get some water. When she came to the well, there was a man sitting there, tired from a long day’s journey. The man said to her, “Will you give me a drink of water?” She went on and on about why she could not give him a drink of water. The man said to her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

This is the story about the Samaritan woman at the well told in John 4:1-42. You were right…the man by the well was Jesus! Good job, Bible genius! You knew more than the woman did…of course, you’ve read her story…if you did not know that the man was Jesus, “get with the program bubba and GO read yo’ bible”! Anyway…

…The woman had no idea that Jesus was sitting right there in front of her. Could it be possible that Jesus is right here before us and we don’t even know it? His words to the woman might be His words to you and me: “If you only knew…”

If you only knew Jesus…” Is it possible, as a Christian, you don’t really know Jesus Christ…really know Him? You go to church…you do the right things…you stay out of trouble, but you don’t really know Jesus…you may think your “well” of problems is TOO DEEP for Him to help you with?

Now, this woman at the well did not know Jesus. She was not a Christian…“yet”; she soon would be…but she was “taught” that the Messiah would come and would explain everything to them (v 25). She was “taught” about Jesus; however, when she came “face-to-face” with Him, she did not recognize Him. I wonder how many of us are “taught” about Jesus, but don’t know Him when we see Him. How can we know Him when we see Him? By letting Him “see” us…to see “deep” inside of us.

Jesus saw “deeply” into this woman…He knew all about her. She realized that once she had an HONEST conversation with Him. When was the last time you had an HONEST conversation with Christ? When was the last time you told Him about all the things going on in the DEEP “well” of your life?

He knows about them already…but He wants to talk to you about them because people who have a relationship have conversationspeople in REAL relationships have REAL conversationsHONEST conversationsTALK to Jesus today…be REAL with Him…be HONEST with Him and hear Him say to you, ““I who speak to you am He.” (v26).

She found out that her “well” of problems were NOT TOO DEEP for Him. Why? Because He knew the truth about every aspect of her life. He knew her DEEPEST secrets and her DEEPEST hopes.

Christ wants to have an HONEST conversation with you. He knows the DEEP truth about every aspect of your life too. We will come to find this out when we enter into an HONEST conversation with Christ.

When the woman had a HONEST conversation with her Savior, He helped her to “see and recognize Him” as JESUS, the Messiah! He said to her,.” May you know Jesus so deeply that from now on, you have daily converstations

She was HONEST with Him about her life. He said this to her, “ When He told her to go and get her husband; she said, “I have no husband.” Could it be that your view of Jesus is “shallow”? Christ’s view of you runs “deep”…He knows all about you. He knew all about this woman at the well. He knew that she did not have a husband…He knew that she had five husbands and the man that she was dating at the time was not her husband.

Jesus knows all about us…our thoughts…our dreams…our pains and struggles…our victories. He knows that sometimes we forget that He is GOD ALMIGHTY and that we, like the woman, think our “wells” our TOO DEEP for Him. What does He know about you? Are you joyful that He knows you? Do you want Him to kow One way to recognize if you don’t really know Jesus is this: your problem that you are going through right now seems BIGGER than He is. You don’t think He can do anything about. You’re like the woman at the well who though it was TOO DEEP for Jesus to draw any water…any comfort…any help from. Listen, nothing is TOO DEEP for Jesus. Plus, like an old time preacher named Oswald Chambers says, “Jesus doesn’t bring anything UP from the wells of human nature—He brings them DOWN from above.”

Jesus brings things DOWN from above because He is ALMIGHTY GOD! He is ALMIGHTY GOD and He is the one speaking to you this weekend.The moment we forget that Christ is ALMIGHTY, we SINK into “SHALLOW” Christianity. Today, remember that God’s Son is ALMIGHTY. There may be a limit to what we can do,