Saturday, July 12, 2008

Where are you? Part II

Here is part II to "Where are you"? series. See part I here: Where are you?

The first place most of us find ourselves "hiding" is the first "hiding" place recorded in Scripture. Genesis 3:8-10 (NLT) says:

8 When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man* and his wife heard the Lord God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the Lord God among the trees. 9 Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

10 He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”

they “LURK” behind them everyday, wondering if someone else “might” know about their SIN. They have “HIDDEN” SINS…very “DARK” and “SECRET” SINS … they are AFRAID to let their PARENTS know about…even their own D-GROUPS/FRIENDS…they HOPE, somehow, that GOD does NOT know about them either...If someone found out, it would be EMBARRASSING and AWFUL…they “HIDE” in “SHAME” and in “FEAR” everyday instead of the “FREEDOM” and “JOY” God offers.

In GENESIS 2:16, GOD told ADAM –
16 But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— 17 except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”

ADAM and EVE had “FREEDOM” to EAT from “EVERY” TREE (except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), but because of their SIN, they found themselves, not “EATING” from the TREES, but “HIDING BEHIND” them. How many of us are like that? God has "freely" given us so much...straight from His life...and we find ourselves "hiding" instead of "eating".

I imagine the tree they found themselves "hiding" behind was beautiful. After all, it was in the garden! So many of us "hide" behind "beautiful" trees. We metro-gel our hair up, put on our make-up, tuck our shirts in, iron our pants, make sure our shoes match...answer, "Fine" to the question "how are you doing?" when we are not really "fine". Sometimes, we find ourselves trying to go to bed at night, but we can't because of the thoughts and worries dominating our minds. Some of us are not "fine".

Some of us put on a great "outer" appearance...just like the beautiful tree Adam and Eve found themselves "hiding" behind. Picture a guy in a tailor made dress shirt...looking "sharp". ZZ Top says, "Every girl goes crazy over a sharp dressed man!"...anyway...underneath his dress shirt is an "undershirt" is completely "shredded"..."torn" up..."ripped" up...with a bunch of holes. On the "outside" he looks good...on the "inside" he is "torn-up".

Are you "sharp" or "shredded"? Is there a sin you are torn up want to commit to God that you repent...then you do it it it again...cycle sound familiar? You and I need to confess it to God and maybe even to others. If you have ever seen the TV series, "House, M.D.", you know that once the patient finally tells House the truth, the patient is healed! House's famous line is "everyone lies." We lie to God, to others, and to ourselves about our sins...

Maybe you are "hiding" behind a go to church, Sunday school, small group...on the outside you look like a "God-truster"...people really think you can't let them down and allow them to know that you have some serious doubts, so you "hide" behind the beautiful tree while your insides are getting uglier and uglier with sin. You're're you're "hiding".

PEOPLE who “HIDE” behind TREES are those who HAVE SO MUCH LIFE and FRUIT in CHRIST RIGHT in FRONT of them, “WAITING” to be GRABBED; “WAITING” to be GOBBLED UP; if only they would “REACH” out to the HAND of GOD “WAITING” to PULL THEM ***OUT*** of their “HIDING” place and ***INTO*** His very life.

(Inserted from Brad's amazing post that ripped my face off: Close To Comfort, Far From God
"so quit hiding behind the trees and start stepping out on a limb, that is where all the fruit is!"

HIDE AND GO SEEK (Inserted from Brad's amazing post that ripped my face off:): Close To Comfort, Far From God?

You remember the famous game, "Hide and Go Seek." Listen, I am a seeker...I don't want to be the one hiding...

David did not hide. Jesus was exposed on the cross. Noah built in Ark when it was not raining. Peter got out of the boat with all the other disciples watching. Benaiah took down a lion in a pit on a snowy day while every one else was sipping hot chocolate in their safe little cozy rooms...Saul stayed under the tree while Jonathan got up and took action...

What about you? Will you come out from behind your tree? If you want to draw close to God and experience His power in your life then stop hiding and start risking. It's time time to be fruitful.

Maybe you do not who to talk to or how to talk about it...reach out to Jesus first and let Him pull you out. Simply say, "Jesus, I am tired of hiding in life...I am ready to eat and gobble up the abundant life you are freely offering me...pull me out from behind the tree. I trust You. I am ready to walk with You in the cool breeze of the garden again! Thank you for Your patience; Your mercy; Your love; Your grace...In Your Garden I Your Name I pray-JESUS! AMEN!

2nd "hiding" place will be posted soon!