Friday, December 14, 2007

Everything you ever need to know...

"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." (Paul in 1 Corinthians 2:2;NIV)

If you are reading this right now, you are most likely on the internet (unless you printed it off...but then again, you had to get online in order to print it). Do you enjoy the internet? I do! One can find out so much information on the "information highway"! I love information. We live in an information world. We can know so much about so much! However, I am about to tell you everything you will ever need to know in one sentence. Here it is: "Jesus Christ and Him crucified."

Jesus Christ and Him crucified is what, rather, WHO you need to know in life. If you know Jesus Christ and what He did that Friday on the Cross for us, that's really all you will ever need to know!

Sure, there are other things we need to be smart about and learn how to do. We need to know practical things, etc. But all that information is garbage unless we know Jesus Christ and the Cross that He bore!

Do you want to know how to be a better husband? Get to know Jesus Christ and His death on the Cross.

Do you want seven steps on better finances? I'll give you one step,not seven: Jesus Christ and His Cross!!!

How about how to win friends and influence people? Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Reduce stress and find joy/peace? JESUS CHRIST and HIM CRUCIFIED!

You see, 4 ways to raise your kids...3 ways to become a better listener are all good and very beneficial. But above all, life is knowing Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
That's all Paul wanted to know and wanted to preach about (1 Corinthians 1:23;2:2)!

The more you know God's Son and His sacrifice, the more you will know about life, marriage, finances, parenthood, purpose, love, humility, courage, health, careers,college, friendships, dating, purity, thought life, prayer life, Scripture study, etc. The more you know and love Jesus...the more you will know and love your wife, husband, friend, stranger. The more you and I are crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20), the more we will live! "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21)!"

You see, life is about self-giving. That is what Jesus and Him Crucified is all about...not just giving away 'some' of yourself but ALL of YOURSELF! Jesus gave everything He was and everything He had because He loved His Father and us. Want to be a better husband or wife? Give yourself away completely to your God and to your spouse? Want to be a better employee or friend? Give yourself away entirely. Give yourself away. Lay down your life for another! That is what your life and my life is all about. It's what our Savior's life was all about. It is what Paul's life was all about!

Resolve, like Paul, to know NOTHING in this information exploded world but JESUS CHRIST and HIM CRUCIFIED! I've come to realize, we may know a lot of things...we can "google" all we want to...but until we know the Man who was murdered on a piece of wood one Friday afternoon, we know nothing.