Friday, April 11, 2008

Sounds and Silence

Matthew 8:26
Then he stood up and told the wind to be silent, the sea to quiet down: "Silence!" The sea became smooth as glass. (emphasis added)

Praise be to God The Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because over the past 6 days, Jesus said "Silence!" in the context of our lives and The sea became smooth as glass.

Over the past 6 days our family and many others battled through and are still battling through two ridiculous storms: Tornado's and sickness. Along with the high flying winds of the tornado's, our family was also struck with a low life virus. God was faithful as always and got us through both of these storms and so I would like to share with you some of the sounds I experienced through it all.

From The Tornado
Praying To God
Speaking of Family
Warning Siren
Whistling of wind
Rustling of leaves
Bending of Trees
Buzzing of Chainsaws
Ringing of Phones
Reporting of News

From the virus
Family members puking (sorry)....I want to be truthful to everything we experienced
The voice of the nurse who called my family member back into the ER. (We only had a 5 minute wait)
"Hey Dude" - the welcome from my other family member who had to go into the ER - when I heard "Hey Dude" I knew he was on his way to recovery
"Im at Starbucks" - when my Dad said this, I knew he was fully recovered!
"Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Yogurt"- when my Mom said this, I knew she was fully recovered!
"Hey Bro" - this is the welcome from my Twin Bro...He is full of life when he says it!
Laughter - I always know my sis-in-law is great when I hear her laugh :)
"Bing" - the sound of a new text message that reads all is well from my other sis-in-law

Soundwaves over the phone and in person when everyone told me they were better

One of the sweetest sounds was the singing of my niece. She is 8 months old. I was Blessed to stay healthy through the storm and the virus (only by The Grace and Mercy of God) and so I had the blessing of dancing her to sleep on two occasions. I would hold her close to me as she would lay her head on my shoulder. We danced in the dark and the only sound I heard was her singing herself to music will ever compare :)

There were many sounds I could list, but through it all, one of the best things experienced was the absence of sound....silence. defines Silence as a relative or total lack of audible sound. An environment with sound below 20 decibels is considered quiet or silent. When the storm settled, there was silence. But better yet, when my family members defeated the virus, there was silence. When they were sleeping and resting, I walked through the house and the sound level was below 20 decibels. No puking, no buzzing, no whistling or rustling. No warning sirens. Silence. All is well.

Thanks to God for bringing us through these storms. I see things more clearly now. Colors are brighter, tastes are sweeter, sounds are richer. Attitudes are changed and Motivations enriched. I appreciate silence like never before.

Live life to your fullest today and soak up The Blessings of God; Then, ring them out on to the lives you are able to influence. Be The Sound of God in their lives!

I will close with a quote from John Wooden, famous championship coach from UCLA:

"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the ways things turn out."

Glory To God The Healer, Protector, and Sustainer!

Matthew 8:26
Then he stood up and told the wind to be silent, the sea to quiet down: "Silence!" The sea became smooth as glass. (emphasis added)