Saturday, July 12, 2008

Do You See It? Part II

Here we go! Man I am pumped, a study on The Champions Of The Bible, or in one word, "Spartans!" In Part one of the series,
Do You See It? I mentioned how we were going to do this study and how these Spartans received The Calling of God and how they responded. This is going to rock and I Pray that God will use this study to develop you in your life and your calling in the same or even greater manner as He used these "Champions!"

The Power Of ONE
From now on, when you hear God's Call in your life, I want you to no longer say, "I am only one person, what good am I going to do?" Here is why, and it is what this study of The Bible Champs is going to teach us...

When God wanted Seas Split, People Delivered, Ark’s built, Giants Defeated, Lion's Chased, The World Saved,...He called on ONE person!

So Gear up for Day one, because in the next post, the "Spartan" we will study is going to be one of the greatest leaders of all time...Moses!