Friday, July 4, 2008

Seize Your Divine Moments*

In Erwin McManus' book, "Chasing Daylight," he talks about what he calls the "Jonathan Factor."

Israel was at war with the Philistines (1 Samuel 13/14) and we find a contrast between two characters, Saul and Jonathan. The battle looks hopeless, so Saul rests beneath a tree and ends up living a life of apathy and missed opportunity... Jonathan, on the other hand, seizes his divine moment, and impacts the future of Israel!

Jonathan goes on to living a life of purpose and adventure.

Saul or Jonathan...which one are you?

Don't sit under the tree...Go seize your divine moments today and live with purpose and adventure!

*Blog title credited to Erwin McManus, "Chasing Daylight: Seizing Your Divine Moments."