Thursday, March 11, 2010

Privileged To Trust

Our faith is to be placed in God himself, not in our understanding of him. We are invited to reason. And privileged to trust.
~ Taser ~

We all have questions in life, especially when it comes to questions about God. God invites our questions and loves our searching. Our faith is to be placed in him and through that foundation, we can and will come to understand more. We simply need to trust Him.

Just because we don't understand all things at all times does not mean we should reject, deny, or ignore the fact that God exist and that God cares. We need to use our God-given intelligence to reason things out and search for meaning, but this does not mean that we can not have faith like a child...

In fact, we have faith in other areas of life that we may or may not understand, yet it does not stop us from trusting that they work. We don't stop and ponder how gravity or cell phones work, or why ice floats, we just trust they do...And even when we do 'understand' how things SHOULD work, we find that sometimes they don't. For instance, a Yale physics professor has "proven" that it is impossible to hit a fastball, yet we see it happen over and over again.

Here's the deal. For us to become followers of Jesus Christ, it's not going to be through something we can explain...something that fits into a categorical "God Box" that makes us say, "Oh I get it now..." Rather, it is going be through something personal.

Andy Stanley, in his series called It's Personal, explains it like this, "To become a believer in Jesus Christ, it's not going to be categorical (explainable), it's going to be personal (undeniable)."

Let's keep seeking and searching, but even more importantly, let's keep trusting and believing, because as we do, we will realize that even if unexplainable, The life of Christ is undeniable.

Blessed is the person who trusts the LORD. The LORD will be his confidence. Jeremiah 17.7