Monday, June 7, 2010

Is There Really A God?

Great article by Ken Ham & Jason Lisle, who write for article is in reference to the often asked question, "Is there really a God?"

They offer great points and counter points that increase our faith and give substantiation to our logical and reasonable claims that God is the creator of all. is the link, followed by a great excerpt (green ink) from the article:

"But if the universe were merely a chance accident, then why should logical reasoning be possible? If my brain is merely the product of mutations (guided only by natural selection), then why should I think that it can determine what is true? The secular, evolutionary worldview cannot account for the existence of logical reasoning.

Likewise, only a biblical worldview can really account for the existence of science—the study of the natural world. Science depends on the fact that the universe obeys orderly laws which do not arbitrarily change. But why should that be so? If the universe were merely an accident, why should it obey logical, orderly laws—or any laws at all for that matter? And why should these laws not be constantly changing, since so many other things change? (emphasis added).

The Bible explains this. There are orderly laws because a logical Law-Giver upholds the universe in a logical and consistent way. God does not change; so He sustains the universe in a consistent way. Only a biblical worldview can account for the existence of science and technology." (link added).

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Those are great points, if we are created by accident and random chance events, why is order or logic even possible?...if evolution states that we are created via chance and adaptation, why is it that the very laws of the universe have not changed? It seems like the gravitational acceleration should no longer be 9.8 m/s squared...or why is the speed of sound still 340 m/s? You can not claim that we exist by random chance and disorder and then magically believe that we now exist off of order and structure...that violates not only Scripture and logic, but it violates science and the second law of thermodynamics...disorder can not create order...