Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Lamp Of Life

Do you have a ten or twenty year plan that lays out God's Will for your life? If not, you are in good company...Psalm 119.105 says the following, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path."

This Psalm shows us that God's Word, which tells us God's Will, guides us step-by-step; God's Word, being like a lamp, gives us just enough light for each step...showing us where we are going, but not necessarily where we are headed...

...Sure we all want a detailed map or an Excel spreadsheet that guides our every move for the rest of our lives, but God wants us to trust Him more than we trust our plans...God has plans for our lives, but He does not have to lay them out all at once.

By not laying His plans out all at once, God is actually giving us the focus to live each day at full intensity...to leave a mark on this world...To invest wisely...I like how Erwin McManus speaks of our lives in terms of investment...he says, and I paraphrase, "Our future is not determined by preservation, but investment."

Invest in each day, because planning is great, but life happens while we are planning, so let's not be so focused on God's Will for our lives that we miss out on God's Plan for our day...be sensitive to what The Holy Spirit wants you to do today, trust God for each step, and the future will take of itself!