Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Solomon Survey - Introduction

You feel as though you have faith, you have read Scripture, and you have prayed Prayers. So you ask, "Where is God and why is He not answering me?"

I have found when I am at these points in my life, the problem is not with God, it is with me. So I have developed what I call "The Solomon Survey" in order for me to hold myself accountable instead of always blaming or questioning God.

God's Playbook, Our Obedience
Think of it like a "playbook." A football player may know his plays back and forth, the coach could be setting him up for glory, but then the player does not execute. There is nothing wrong with "God's Playbook" (i.e. The Bible), sometimes it's our obedience, or shall I say, our lack of obedience, of following His commands and Textbook on life that is causing us to have a stumbling block to our Prayers.

The Solomon Survey
In (1 Kings 3.5-15), we come across an amazing piece of Scripture. God straight up comes to Solomon and asks him what he wants. Solomon's answer is to obtain Wisdom in order for him to lead his people. Notice how his request was not only for personal gain, but so that he could make those around him better! God was so pumped up about Solomon's request, that He not only gave Solomon wisdom, but He also granted him so much more...God being the Amazing God He is, also granted Solomon....Riches•Respect•Greatness•Long Life!!!

Put Yourself In "God's Shoes"
I don't think God is playing a game with us, but we must seek Him in the correct ways and ask Him for the right blessings. In other words, we must check our motivation. Is what we are asking of God pleasing to God? Do our requests pump Him up? And are we allowing God to trust us with our request? Again, I don't think God is playing games with us, but if you are a parent an employer, or a coach, a leader of any kind, then I think you can relate to God in this context...In other words, put yourself in "God's Shoes" for a moment...You give to those whom you know you can trust with what you give....

Are you allowing God to trust you with what you are asking of Him? See the next post for the survey and please ask yourself the questions. Be honest with the answers because I know the hardest thing for us to do is admit we are in the wrong, but again, we must hold ourselves accountable and make sure we are doing our part, because I know God is always doing His!

So "turn the page" and tune in to the next blog post to answer "The Solomon Survey" and see if there is something you need to do in order for God to not only grant you Wisdom, but to also hear The Carpenter Of Creation say to you, "As a bonus, I will also give you.....!" (Author's Translation)