Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Whatever It Takes, Part V: Jesus

Welcome back to the 5th part of "Whatever It Takes." Starting with part IV, we began what is really more like a 'sub-series,' sort of like a sub-category. This sub-series is about following The Ultimate Example when it comes to doing 'whatever it takes.' The ultimate example is Jesus Christ. You can click here, Whatever It Takes, Part IV: Jesus, to read the first installment.

Today we will see how Jesus did 'Whatever It Took' by looking at how He established priorities. We see from Mark 1.32-38 how Jesus received His priorities from His Heavenly Father instead of allowing others to dictate His Agenda. Verse 38, Jesus says, ..."for this purpose I have come forth.” What is your purpose? Are you doing 'Whatever It Takes' to seek your purpose from God, or are you seeking your purpose from others?

John Maxwell has a leadership law for this called, "The Law of Priorities," and he teaches from his Maxwell Leadership Bible, how Jesus would often leave the demands of His work to pray and regain His perspective.

We need to do the same. It's like an artist who is drawing a portrait. The artist will become extremely focused on the drawing, going deep into "The Zone." However, every once in a while, the artist will take a step back, and look at the picture as a whole, i.e. look at the BIG picture. It's the same way in our life with Christ. We need to stop all of our busyness, seek solitude and Prayer, and take a step back.

Taking a step back helps us to re-establish our priorities and to evaluate our productivity. Is all of our busyness and doing stuff keeping us from getting stuff done? Don't mistake activity for achievement.

Who or what is establishing your priorities? If your priorities are established from culture, you are in for a world of hurt. But if your priorities are from God, The Almighty, The Carpenter of Creation, you are in for a world of Blessing. We must get our priorities from God, He is The One who grants us time and opportunity in the first place, so we must schedule our priorities based on His Desires.

It's time to do "Whatever It Takes" and have our priorities based on God's game plan. We must make pre-decisions so that when the 4th quarter, 2 minute drills of life pop up, we are firmly established in God's Will in order for us to be ready for victory. But this only happens when we step back, look at the big picture and have our game plan established by God's Leadership.

Jesus did "Whatever It Took" and re-established His perspective on life. He received His priorities from God, not from people. He always had the priority to serve people. Whom or what is establishing your priorities?

“The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
~ Stephen Covey ~