Friday, October 31, 2008

Solomon Survey Part II

Welcome back to the "Solomon Survey!" It's time to do a series of post based on a survey that will help us align our lives with God's Will. If you would like to read the first installment of this series, please click here: The Solomon Survey - Introduction

Many times we ask the question, "Where is God and why is He silent?" I have written some thoughts below that have helped me come to get a grip on what is really going on during times like these...

Still Gotta Eat
I know it may sound like a broken record or an inspirational bumper sticker that reads, "God is shaping you through times of struggle," or that "God is working behind the scenes"...I know it's frustrating because during these times of struggle and character development we still have to eat and pay for gas...but it is MEGA important to analyze and dissect the fact that God really is up to something in your life. God is never still. He is always working. In fact, John 5.17 says this:

Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working."

Back To The Basics
So here is the deal. It is time to get back to the basics and understand our core principles of what and who we really believe. Ask your self these two fundamental questions:

A. Does God exists?
B. Does God care?

Because we can answer yes to both of these questions, we must continue the process of increasing our relationship with God so that He will prepare us and then use us for His Glory.

So the first thing I need to understand and I pray you will understand is this: We are not accidents. God not only exists, but He also cares enough for us that He sent His Son to bleed and die for us.

The next postings on "Solomon's Survery" are going to be sets of questions from different aspects of our lives, such as relational, vocational, listening, accountability, etc in order to find the way to properly align ourselves with God's plan for us. The first survey coming from the understanding that we are not accidents!