Sunday, October 21, 2007


I recently heard a sermon series titled, "30 Days to live" by Craig Groeschel from (See video link below!)... It WOKE ME UP PEOPLE! It also got me thinking about the theme of this blog: "Jesus is worth it". Jesus is worth "wasting our very expensive perfumes" on Him! Jesus is worth every "wonderfully significant" thing we "can do" for Him! If you had 30 days left in your life...30 days left to spend with your family...30 days left to make an impact in someone's life...30 days left to to be a mile marker in someone's road to salvtion in Jesus Christ, how would you "SPEND IT"? By the way, in Mark 14:1-11, Jesus only had 2 days left to live when the woman decided to "spend" her" perfume (which costs a years salary) on Him! What we do for others, especially for the "least of these" we do for Jesus (check out what the Master says about this in Matthew 25:31-46)! What "wonderfully significant" thing would you do for Jesus if you only had 30 days left to live? THINK BIG! THINK SMALL! BUT WHATEVER YOU DO THINK! Psalm 39:4-5 (NLT) says, "“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.”

So much of our breath...some much of our day is "wasted" on arguing with family, complaining about little things, comparing ourselves to the lives of others, and veggin' out on TV. If you and I had only 30 days left to live, I hope we would WAKE UP and STOP "wasting" our life on these STUPID THINGS and start "WASTING" our life on JESUS! "WAKE UP and WASTE YOUR LIFE on JESUS TODAY as if you only had 30 days left to live! Take the 30 DAY "WASTING YOUR LIFE" Challenge...Each day, "waste" at least ONE thing on JESUS...

-How would you "waste" your time? Would you give your self "fully" to your family?
-How would you "waste" your money? Would you give money to someone needing clean drinking water?
-How would you "waste" your energy? Would you go visit a sick neighbor?
-How would you "waste" your mornings? Would you wake up early and pray for the person you know who needs Jesus?
-How would you "waste" your time on the person you don't like? Would you humble yourself and "wash" his/her feet (John 13)?

Can you WASTE at least ONE THING a day on Jesus for next 30 days? Can you do something "WONDERFULLY SIGNIFICANT" for Him beginning RIGHT NOW? IS JESUS WORTH IT TO YOU?