Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I want Jesus!

I want Jesus! I want all of my Savior! Jesus Christ is worth it! I want Him for my wife. I want Him for my daughter. I want Him for my future children (Psalm 145:13). I want Him for my mom, my dad, and my 2 brothers! I want Him for my future sister-in-law and her two kids. I want Him for my mother-in-law and my father-in-law and my brother-in-law. I want Him for my extended family! I want Him for my church. I want Him for my co-workers and for my seminary. I want Him for those I minister to. I want Him for Jefferson Jesus and family. I want Him for the people of Peru. I want Him for John and Erica and the people of Africa! I want Him for the hungry and the thirsty; the prisoners, the sick, the naked, and the stranger. I want all of my Savior Jesus Christ! I want His humility. I want His obedience. I want His vision from the Cross. I want His courage. I want His integrity...His heart for His Father and His Spirit...His intense and extravagant love for His creation...for His people...for the lost...for His disciples...for His nations. I want His prayers and His actions! I want His anger and His joys! I want His foot-washing towel and His cheek that He turned. I want His sermons that He preached and the lessons that He taught. I want His creativity and His humor. I want His eternal life giving words. I want His forgiveness and His grace! I want His church. I want His mission! I want His servant attitude! I want His love! I want my Friend who laid down His life for you and me. I want His mind. I want His compassion, His mercy, His peace, His attack mindset, His eyes, His mouth, His boldness. I want my Lord who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness...obeying His Father unto death on a cross. I want to know Christ and the power of His Resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. I want to live like Jesus died...strong...faithful...trusting...forgiving...loving...obeying...understanding...persevering...non comprimising...recklessing committed to His Father and our Father! I want to give myself, not save myself. I want Christ face-to-face, hand-to-hand. I want to deny myself, pick up my cross, and follow my shepherd so closely that I get covered in all of His dust. I want to touch His cloak, hear the leather of His sandals as He walks me to people who need Him. I want to smell His breath and feel His grip. I want Jesus! Not some of Jesus, but all of Him. I want His smile. I want His whisper. I want His rest. I want to be crucified with Him. I want to be resurrected with Him. I want to be glorified with Him! I want to eat with Him! I want to talk to the Father with Him! I want to laugh with Him! I want the day with Him. I want forever with Him! I want Jesus! I want JESUS for YOU!