Sunday, June 1, 2008

GIVE ME JESUS, OR ELSE I DIE! #1 in john wesley series


A New Series

I, Christian, am starting a new blog series on I am reading John Wesley's discourse on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount! The series will consist of short devotional thoughts based on excerpts from Wesley's sermons! This first thought comes from Wesley's Discourse II: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled." (Matthew 5:6;NIV)

3 Observations:
(1) Hunger and Thirst are the strongest of all our bodily appetites. In like manner, says Wesley, this hunger in the soul, this thirst after the IMAGE of GOD, is the strongest of all our spiritual appetites (as it is awakened in the heart). The one great desire=to be renewed after the likeness of God our Creator!

Our appetites do not stop until we eat, drink, or die. In the same way, from the time that we begin to hunger and thirst after the mind that was in Christ, these spiritual appetites do not stop...they cry after their food with more and more intensity...they can not stop, before they are satisfied, while there is any spiritual life remaining.

Hunger and thirst are only satisfied with meat and drink. If you and I gave to someone who is hungry all the world it would mean nothing to him if he still had an empty stomach. He would most likely say, "These are not the things I want...give me food, or else I die!"

The same is with every soul who hungers and thirst for righteousness. Comfort is found in nothing and no one else but God. Riches, honor, or pleasure are not sufficient offerings to the one who is hungry. Again, he would say, "This is not the thing I want! Give me love, or else I die!"

What if you were so hungry and thirsty for God you prayed with tears and hunger pain, "GIVE ME JESUS, OR ELSE I DIE!" What if you were starving for someone to have the mind of Christ you prayed to the Father, "GIVE him/her JESUS, or ELSE THEY DIE!"

Is your appetite that strong for Jesus? Is your thirst? Are we hungry and thirsty for those who are empty to be filled with the Bread of Heaven...the Living Water? I am praying we are that hungry and that thirsty! In Jesus Name, Amen!