Saturday, August 30, 2008


Committed: The Dictionary Version
The Apple Macintosh Dictionary, (the ultimate source of dictionaries, right Windows users!) defines "committed" as the following:

committed |kəˈmitid|
• adjective
feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job; wholeheartedly dedicated : a committed Christian.

Take a look at the example they gave too, "a committed Christian"...pretty cool!

Committed: The Scripture Version
Now, look at what the Source of all sources has to say about being "committed..."

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.
2 Chronicles 16:9 (New International Version

Your Strength
The other day I talked about the difference between a committed heart and an undecided heart. Read it here, Success and The Committed Heart's real short and to the point...

So here's the deal: Do you want God to strengthen you? Maybe God is waiting until you have fully committed yourself to Him....Have you? If not, why not?

Commit to Him today, right now and receive His strength...God is full of Grace and Love, but He is also looking far and wide for those who are fully committed to Him...He wants to use you for His purposes but you can not live totally for Him if you are lukewarm and "striding the fence"....You must choose this day whom you will serve...

The Benefit Of Others
If you are fully committed to God, He will not only infuse your life with Strength, but it will also pour into the lives of those around you...

Jesus fully committed His life to God and through Him, we have life to the Full...Meditate on that....

Think about who you play for, who you live for, those who depend on you...How can God bless them because He blesses you with strength...Your commitment to God could change someone's life today....