Friday, August 29, 2008

Seeking And Focus

Here are a few thoughts the Holy Counselor has been sharing with me and I would like to share them with you!

Seeking God

Are you seeking God? Do you want him to speak to you? The step to hearing his voice is really very simple even as complex as it may seem....

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
(Jeremiah 29.13)

Read Jer 29.12-14 in context and you will find the "solution" to this great "mystery" of hearing from are the steps to take:

1. Call upon God
2. Pray To God
3. Seek Him With All Your Heart

Do this and God says, "I will be found by you..."

God In The Way or On The Way
Are you so absorbed in what you are doing that you don't even see God right in front of you?
The end part of Romans 8.20-33 (MSG) says...

If you're looking for me,

you'll find me on the way, not in the way.

Our Focus Becomes Our Reality
I believe in a sense that we live as a result of self-fulfilling prophecies. God has given us free will to choose, to think, to decide on what we choose to focus on and how to live our lives. Now I understand there are other circumstances in life that shape our thoughts and decisions and outcomes, but I know this, as Mark Batterson has said, "Our focus becomes our reality."

Odds are you are living a life right now that is the sum result of the choices you have made, (choices as we all know have consequences), the thoughts you created, and the mentality you have meditated upon. So how do you live a life of achievement instead a life by accident? You need to ask yourself one question...

The question to ask is, "Do I really believe The Word of God?" In essence, does your life reflect your beliefs? Do you set goals, make decisions, and live life as though "Nothing is impossible with God?" (Luke 1.37 NLT) ...I also like the way the New Century Version puts it...

"God can do anything!"

Application: Make a list of 5 goals. God-Ordained Goals. Goals that if God does not come through than you are through. Goals that make you lean on every fiber of God. Goals that make you seek Him and Pray to him with the same necessity that you need from water to drink and air to breathe. Start thinking thoughts and meditating on Scripture that reflect the promises of God and watch how your "self-fulfilling" prophecy plays out...

This is not a magic formula or some kind of new age philosophy. This is the mentality and the focus of a God-Fearing Champion For Christ.

So what are you focused on today? Are you focused on yourself and your limitations or are you focused on The One and Only God who can do anything? Stop putting God in a box and bringing him down to human levels. He is set apart and bigger and greater than the human mind can imagine.

However, as it is written:
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"

but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

(1 Corinthians 2.-10 NIV)

So here are the 3 steps to take in order to change your life and the lives around you, because remember, it's not only about you, it's about the "domino effect" that living the life God expects of you has on those around you as well!

A. Focus on God
B. Meditate on His Word
C. Activate Your Faith

Activate your must activate your faith. James 2.17 says...

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

It's not enough to know God intellectually, we must know Him intimately. The only way to do that is to go out into the "Lab Of Life" and put into action what He calls you to do. He has high expectations of us...He should, He created us...He sent His Son to die for us and Jesus came in order that we would have life to the full (John 10.10)...

I will close with a quote from William Scolavino that sums up the connection between what you achieve and what you believe...

"The height of your achievements will be determined by the depth of your convictions."

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