Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Listen, Watch, & Wait

I need God's direction. I need to hear the whispers in my ear and the nudges on my back from The Holy Spirit in order to live the full life that Jesus gave His life for. So what do I do? How do I go about Hearing His Voice and how do I really know if it is His Voice I am hearing??

The above questions are very packed and can be answered with much detail, but take a note from two Champions of the Old Testament and allow them to give you some advice...

Joshua, the successor of Moses, is leading the people of Israel into the Promise Land. They are about to Cross The Jordan River and they need God's direction. Sound familiar? Do you need God's direction in your life? As you are searching and wanting to enter your Promise Land, you need to Listen for God, then you will know that He is alive among you! Tune out the world, turn the volume of culture on mute, and LISTEN to God...

Then Joshua addressed the People of Israel: "Attention! Listen to what God, your God, has to say. This is how you'll know that God is alive among you...(Joshua 3.9-10 MSG)
~emphasis added~
Watch and Wait
Habakkuk was questioning God and he needed answers. Habakkuk had "Prayer Post," a place where He would go and Pray and listen to The Voice Of God. There he watched and he waited, having faith that God would speak...

I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he[a] will answer my complaint (Habakkuk 2.1)
~emphasis added~
Zone In
When athletes are wanting to zone in before the big game, they normally do one of two things. They either walk around and pace or they find a quiet place, even if it's among other athletes in one room, like a locker room. Their is also a common denominator among the majority of the athletes: They are listening to their iPod, iPhone, or cd player. What they are doing is entering into their "Watchtower" and tuning out the world. They are tuning in to their minds with inspiration of music or speeches that will give them direction and focus for their "Promise Land" of the big game.
Are you listening? Are you going to your "watchtower" to Hear God's Voice? The Heroes of The Bible did...Joshua listened. Habakkuk found his watchtower and waited. Jesus went to The Garden to Pray and listen to The Voice Of God.
If You want to know God's Will for your life, you must stop acting on impulse, stop listening to culture, put down the new age philosophy, and listen to The Voice of The One who created your ears to hear, your mind to think, your eyes to see...God wants to Journey with you...Listen for Him!