Friday, September 5, 2008

Burden, Passion, And The Will Of God

God was determined to start over when He saw the wicked and self-serving nature of He uses Noah to build an ark

Israelite's are held in captivity as slaves under Egyptian rule...God uses Moses to lead them out

God needs leaders to bring His people into The Promise Land...He calls upon Joshua and Caleb

God needed a warrior to take down the Philistine army...David accepts the call

Humanity needs a Savior...enter Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ, The Messiah

Do you see the pattern. Where there is a need, where there is a burden, a purpose is created.

What Is Your Burden?
Do you have a burden for something or someone? What are you passionate about? Where is there a need that must be filled?

Answer these 3 questions and you can find God's Will for Your life! Ask God what is His Passion...what is His Burden...what is His Will...

All you have to do is listen and then obey. Noah, Moses, Joshua and Caleb, David, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jesus, you name it, all had those 2 qualities in common. God needed them so they listened and obey.

Pray for God to give you a burden...a passion...a need to be met...keep your eyes open to culture and to yourself...notice what it is that gets you all worked up...listen to God and obey His command!

God created you to fulfill a need...His Will for your life is to fulfill that need. God's Burden will become your burden...will become your passion, and His Will is for you to see His Revelation of that passion and then act on it in Obedience and in Faith!