Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Promise Land Preparation, Part IV

I commanded Joshua at that time, "You've seen with your own two eyes everything God, your God, has done to these two kings. God is going to do the same thing to all the kingdoms over there across the river where you're headed. Don't be afraid of them. God, your God—he's fighting for you."
Your Promise Land is in sight and Your spirit is being stirred...you feel a certain God-Ordained tension to take action and head straight towards it....You know you must move forward and take action but you keep wrestling with the decision to take that step of faith. No worries my friend, because God is fighting for you!
As Joshua as his men were preparing to enter their Promise Land, they definitely encountered resistance. However, all they had to do was remember how God had granted them victory in the past. God is not only God of the past, but He is also God of the present and God of the future...
With your own two eyes, I know there has been a time when you have seen what God has done...have faith and courage because He is going to do the same thing to all the "kingdoms" over there across the river where you're headed.
God Is Fighting For You
So what is holding you back from entering your Promise Land? What is holding you back from downloading that application, submitting your resume, turning in your two-week notice, enrolling in that class, calling that friend? Listen, if you are faithfully diving into God's Word and speaking and Praying to Him on a daily basis, if you are seeking counsel, trusting Him and Obeying Him, and being sensitive to The Counsel of The Holy Spirit, then God is going to reveal The Promise Land that He wants you to conquer.
To conquer it may not be easy...but don't quit before you try...allow faith to shape your decision's instead of fear...you need to identify the giants and the "kingdoms" in your life and have no fear from them..... Don't be afraid of them. God, your God—he's fighting for you."