Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Divine Download

I am 'MacAddict'...an 'AppleFreak'...I admit it, I am very intrigued by computers and what you can create and learn from them...

One of my favorite things to do is to download information and absorb it like a sponge, learning anything and everything I can about particular subjects so that I can then go and apply my new found knowledge out into the world...

Divine Download
Better than any information superhighway download is the download we receive from something that technology will never be able to measure up to: The Holy Scriptures - The Word Of God.

If you want to understand who you are to become and what your purpose in life is, then you need to log into God's Word and do a "Divine Download". Psalm 37.4 says:

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

How about that for a fast download! Do you want the desires of your heart? Then delight yourself in The Lord! Erwin McManus paraphrases this verse as, "Love God, then do what you want." If you are truly a Christ Follower, then you will begin to desire what God desires, and what you desire is what He will give to you. He is your Creator, not only physically, but also through creating the desires of your heart.

The "Diamonds" of The Divine Download
I like to meditate on what I call "Pearls of Wisdom." In this case though, I am going to use "Diamonds" in place of "Pearls" for the "D Cubed" Title of "Diamonds" of The Divine Download.

The Diamonds are the key words, the nuggets, of How to access this download...the "enter" button on your keyboard that allows the download to start...

Take a look at the surrounding Scripture to Psalm 37.4 and you will see the Diamonds I'm talking about:

Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. (Psalm 37.3, emphasis added)

Commit your way to the LORD;
in him and he will do this: (Psalm 37.5 emphasis added)

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
do not fret
when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes.
(Psalm 37.7 emphasis added)

You must Trust The Lord, Commit heart, mind, body, and soul to Him, and then be still and watch for His works. One of the biggest issues we deal with is thinking that we have to be in control, so we end up freaking out at a franctic pace. One of my favorite quotes is from the great UCLA former Championship basketball coach, John Wooden, who said:

Don't mistake activity for achievement

Just because you may be busy and doing stuff, does not mean you are achieving anything. You may be doing things that are keeping you from doing things...important life changing things.

Ask yourself if you are really trusting in The Lord. Sometimes I feel like God is saying, "Your name here, I would love for you to finally free up your schedule so that you will allow me to work in your life...now would be a good time."

God created you, I think it is wise to believe that He can create circumstances in your life. So let Him. By all means, do your part, Pray like it depends on God, work like it depends on you, but dude, at some point you have to take Psalm 37.7 to heart.

Sun Block and Sin Block
You go to the beach, want to keep the sun from getting to your skin. You reach for the SPF 50 rub it in good, and boom, the sun is blocked from your skin. Can't get in. Nope, because you have on Sun Block.

It's the same way for sin. If you are saying that you are doing the Divine Downloads and living out the Diamonds of Psalm 37 but your desires are not being fulfilled, then it could be that there is a Sin Block in your life. Sin is keeping you from entering your Promise Land.

Only two men from the original Israelite's entered the Promise Land. Why? Because sin and immaturity were blocking the entry of those who would not stop complaining. Fast Forward to Joshua...God calls Joshua to lead the people to enter the Promise Land and has Joshua say:

Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."

The word Consecrate means "to be set apart," to be "other than,"...in essence, to "be holy."...i.e without sin...to have righteousness..

Psalm 37.6 says, He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. (emphasis added)

Focus on that, He is making our righteosness shine. He is not making our sin shine, or our fear shine, or our lust shine. He is making our righteousness shine and the justice of our cause shine like the noonday sun! The importance of being holy and righteous come from The Mouth of God...

...for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy - 1 Peter 1.16 (NIV). You see, we are to be holy, because He is holy. If we want to experience the desires of our heart, we must be holy and get rid of the sin in our lives, the sin block that is putting up a wall of division from God Almighty. God can not be in the presence of sin. That is why He sent Jesus to die and resurrect for us so that we could be in His Presence. Jude 1.24-25 says that we are presented before God, in His glorious presence without fault and with great joy, because of the power and authority of Jesus Christ.

God With You
I want you to put your name, the name of your family and friends in this following verse:

And the LORD said to _____, "Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses.

This is what The Lord said to Joshua as He lead him through the Jordan River and into the Promise Land. Joshua was consecrated, holy, set apart. He delighted in The Lord and received the desires of his heart. Because of his Trust, Committment, and being still, he was then able to activate his faith and use the military gifts God granted him to take action and enter the Promise Land, bringing all his people into their Promise Land and dividing the land so that they all could benefit as well.

The Diamond of All Diamonds

Joshua followed all the diamonds of Psalm 37.4, but you know what His favorite diamond was. It was the diamond of obeying. Obeying is the key to becoming holy, the key to becoming prosperous and successful.

I will close with Joshua 1.6-9, and it is Loaded with diamonds: Strength, Courage, Meditating, Obeying. You must obey God, not so He can use you as a puppet, but so that He can free you to receive your desires. And focus on verse 9...realize that everything you do and everywhere you go, you have God Almighty with you. Just as I mentioned in Joshua 3.7, God is with you, Meditate on that and you will be able to fulfill the desires of your heart and you will be focused on what God desires, then you will be living in your sweet spot, the epicenter of God's Will for your life! Doing so will not only bring you into the promise land, but your family, friends, and community as well because you could be the person God is calling to lead your people into the land of milk and honey!

6 "Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."