Saturday, November 8, 2008

Are others willing to follow you?

Why would anyone follow you or me as a LEADER?

They will NOT...

Leonidas was Courageous
Simply put:
In his book: Leadership Secrets of the 300, James Whitley says that King Leonidas showed incredible courage and integrity. By word and deed, he let nothing coward him into submission of mediocrity.

The result? His fellow Spartan warriors followed him, get this, into DEATH!

Leonidas was courageous.

Jesus was Courageous
No one; HOWEVER, was more courageous than the TRUE KING JESUS CHRIST. While discussing His death to come, Jesus said, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified...Now My heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father, save Me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your Name!" (John 12:23;27; NIV)

The Hour Had Come
It was time:
The HOUR had come to be a Leader with reckless courage. Jesus was recklessly courageous. The HOUR will come for you and for me to exercise courage as well! It will be for that hour that God has sent us to make a difference in someone's life and in the world. Even our own life...our families life...our churches life...our countries life! The only way we can be courageous in that hour is this: we must have a "GOD FOCUS". Jesus had a "GOD FOCUS". He said, "FATHER, GLORIFY YOUR NAME!"

had a focus: Sparta.
Jesus had a MUCH BETTER focus: His Father.

May God the Father be your focus and my focus as we courageously follow the Lord and Savior, King Jesus into life and into death! May others follow us as we follow the Lion of Judah!

"My king. It’s an honor to die at your side. It’s an honor to have lived at yours."
- 300