Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Over The Edge

What boundaries do you have set for you life? How far is too far? Where is your margin established?

Who do you listen to when it comes to creating margin? Is culture your main influence on deciding how far is too far? In his book, "The Best Question Ever," Andy Stanley talks about how he establishes boundaries and framworks in his life in order to have margin and not go over the edge. These boundaries will be different for everyone, but it is very important that you set these boundaries for yourself and not culture.

Here is why...

Culture says to get drunk and wasted, but if you push it too far and go over the edge by becoming an alcoholic, then you are shunned by society.

Culture says to have pre-marital sex and public schools pass out condoms to teenagers, but if teenagers get pregnant, they are labeled "sluts" and "used."

Culture says to accumulate things and prove your worth by the stuff you have, but if you go into debt and become bankrupt, you are labeled a loser.

The examples are endless, so why press the margins...If you get put in jail for embezzlement, put in rehab for drug addiction, or have to file chapter 11/13, I bet you would say to yourself, "I would do anything to get out of this mess."

Why not go ahead and establish boundaries for margin while you are ahead of the game?...

You decide the course of your life, dont allow society push you over the edge...