Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Solomon Survey:Stumbling Block Questions Part 2

Welcome Back to Solomon Survey, today we will hit on Stumbling Block questions, part 2 and see if any of these areas are blocking our Prayers to God. Click the following to review part 1: Solomon Survey:Stumbling Block Questions Part 1

The following questions focus on our respect to God, our thoughts, and our words. Emphasis is added to all to all the following Scriptures where certain words are in bold.

#1. How do you treat the poor?

If you mistreat the poor, you insult your Creator; if you are kind to them, you show him respect.
~ Proverbs 14:31 ~

#2. What thoughts are you thinking? What words do you use around others?
The LORD hates evil thoughts, but kind words please him.
~ Proverbs 15.26~

Carefully guard your thoughts because they are the source of true life.
~ Proverbs 4.23 ~

#3. How do you treat God? How do you treat people?
These two issues are directly related...Are you always in a hurry, never listening to people? Do you make time for them? Do you invest your life with your family, being intentional about how your relationship is with them, or are you always in a hurry only concerned with your own agendas?

It comes down to respect. If we respect God, He will respect our prayers. If we respect the people in our lives, they will respect us. Take a look around. Do people naturally gravitate towards you? Do they want to spend time with you? I am a firm believer that in relationships, there are no accidents. You will have friends if you are a friend. You will have trusted business contacts, classmates, and teammates, if they find you trustworthy. Sure, people may not always get along, but if you always make it all about you and do not respect the other person's point of view, then you probably do not respect God's point of view either.

Ask yourself, "How are my relationships with other people?" and I bet you will find that you have a similar relationship with God. Because if you don't take the time to listen to other people, then I can imagine you do not take the time to listen to God....and if you are always criticizing people or judging them on what kind of clothes they wear, if their hair is messed up, or how big their nose is, then I can almost guarantee you criticize God more than you Praise Him.

Respect and obey the LORD! This is the beginning of knowledge. [a] Only a fool rejects wisdom and good advice.
~ Proverbs 1.7 ~

If we truly love God, our sins will be forgiven; if we show him respect, we will keep away from sin. ~ Proverbs 16:6 ~

This will lead us to part 3 next time, where we will converse about 2 HUGE areas that deal with our Prayers being answered:
1. Sowing and Reaping
2. Fruits of The Spirit and what exactly are we filling our minds with and meditating on?

God save you and grant you success! Psalm 118.25