Monday, December 15, 2008

Attitude: The Desire To Be Great!

"How Well You Do Something is determined by your Attitude."
~ Lou Holtz ~

Winning Everyday
Lou Holtz, in his book, "Winning Everyday," tells a great story about one of his football players at Notre Dame. This player was Andy Heck. Andy was a very good starting tight end, but the coaches decided to move him to offensive tackle. Andy had to make difficult adjustments in order to get used to this new position...

One day Andy was complaining to his offensive line coach, Joe Moore, about receiving a negative grade on a particular play. As Holtz states, "Andy thought he had performed adequately." In response to Andy's complaint, Coach Moore said the following:

"Andy, that would be true for an average player, but I don't think you are an average player. Do you want me to grade you as an average player so your mark will be positive? Or should I grade Andy as a great player, in which case your performance on that play was a minus. Which do you choose?" (emphasis added)

Lou Holtz goes on to say, "Coach Moore didn't have to say another word. Andy chose to think of himself as a great player and the rest is history." Andy went on to elevate his personal standards, become team captain and then went on to become one of the best offensive tackles in the National Football League while playing for the Chicago Bears.

Andy was forced to make an attitude check...

As Lou says, "It takes just as much time and energy to think, 'I can,' as it does to think, 'I can't.' Think about winning before you go to sleep and the moment you wake. Remember: Every day, some ordinary person does something extraordinary. Today, it's your turn."

As Followers of Jesus Christ, do we see ourselves as average or great? Which do we choose? Like Andy, lets choose greatness and the rest will take care of itself!

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ the glory of God the Father.