Saturday, December 6, 2008

Solomon Survey: Obedience Part Two

Following up on Part one of Obedience, we see how Jesus obeyed God The Father and because of this obedience, God lifted him high and honored him far beyond anyone or anything, ever...Philippians 2.5-11

I think we as Christians have become immune to this word obedience or perhaps even legalistic...we have lost the true meaning of it.

Here is how serious The Lord views our obedience:

Obey the Lord's teachings
and you will live--
disobey and you will die. ~ Proverbs 19:16 ~

Hello! ...Are we obeying God or do we have some other treasure that consumes us...Look at Proverbs 7.2:

Obey me, and you will live!
Let my instructions be
your greatest treasure

Here's the problem: Our greatest treasures are not The Lord's instructions. Our greatest treasures have become television, material goods, and horoscopes. We learn about life through the media instead of Scripture, we have to rent out storage facilities because we have so much "treasure," and we seek horoscopes/culture instead of God's instructions.

God of Grace & Truth
Listen, God is not out to "get us." To the contrary, He loves us so much that He sent His One and only Son for us. But He is The God of Grace and Truth...All throughout The Old Testament we see how the Israelites were kept from entering The Promise Land because of disobedience and whining...but then Joshua and Caleb were allowed to enter because of their powerful Faith...And then ultimately we see in The New Testament, how Jesus, because of His obedience, was lifted high and honored far beyond anyone or anything by God His Father."

You and I have a choice today...obey or not...promoted or lost? What will we do?