Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Feel It!

With The New Year of 2009 around the corner, there is no doubt that resolutions will be made and goals set. But I want to change the mentality of setting goals and resolutions to defining a problem to solve.

Feel It
If you and I really want to create change, accomplish a goal, or live out a dream, we really need to become a problem solver. One great way to do this is by "Feeling It." We must become "uncomfortable" in order to do something GREAT.

I Don't Feel Like It
Now think to a time when you did not want to do something. My imagination tells me you may have said the following: "I don't feel like it." Many times we will use this excuse, and if we only went to work, or school, or excercised when we felt like it, then we would probably never do anything. So how do we "feel" like doing something? We must define a problem to solve and it must hit us deep in the gut until we do feel it...Spiritually, Physically, Mentally...it must hit us until we feel it....Ask yourself this question: "What's At Stake"...meaning, what will happen if you don't solve the problem?

Goal vs Problem
Now don't get me wrong, Goals are amazing...In fact, I am currenlty working on a list of around 200 goals that I want to accomplish...but as I am writing this post, I might actually change them to 200 problems to solve! Allow me to give some examples between goals and problems...

Example: A goal is to open a savings account. A problem is possible bankrupcy. Which do you think will allow you to "feel" like saving instead of spending?

Example: A goal is to lose 20 pounds. Problems if you don't exercise are possible clogged arteries and high cholesterol. Which do you think will make you "feel" like exercising at 5 a.m.?

Example: A goal is to read The Bible in a year. A problem is determing your God-Ordained purpose. Which do you think will make you "feel" like meditating on Scripture?

Ask For It
You may already know of a problem that needs solving. But if you don't, then You may need to ask for a problem to solve... Pray for a burden, a problem, something that will really motivate you to live a God-Anointed Life. Something that makes you happy, mad, scream, something that makes you bang your fist on the table or jump for joy in your room...go to God in Prayer and simply say, "Lord, what problem do you want to use me to solve?"

Keeping Promises: Responsibility vs Discipline
In order to solve problems through "feeling" the problem, we must be responsible in our problem solving. Responsibility is keeping a promise to someone else. Who do we need to be responsible to or for? Discipline is the promise that we keep to our selves. We need to develop a solution to our problem and promise our selves to solve it. What allows us to be responsible and disciplined? The Answer is Commitment...We must be committed to solving the problem.

God Felt It, Jesus Felt It
God saw a problem: The sin of the world. God felt it. His solution....Jesus...Jesus saved and redeemed the world because He felt it. Sweating drops of blood...flogging...spear at His side...hanging naked on The Cross...Jesus felt it on many levels...From Mark 14.34, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death." Jesus felt it so much that He even prayed not to have to go through with the excruciating death...but He always had the problem solving in mind, Praying the following from Mark 14.36:

Abba,[a] Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will."

What problem is God calling you to solve? Lord, what problem do you want me to solve?