Thursday, December 25, 2008

Maintain A Natural Pace

If you are like me, you are always wondering if you are living the life God called you to live. Well I want to list a few ways that will hopefully shed some light on this great "mystery, especially as we approach a God-Ordained New Year!" It basically comes down to living a Natural Pace versus a Frantic Pace...

Living God's Plan: A Natural Pace
If we are living God's Plan then we will notice a few things in our lives.

1. A Natural Pace. During The Cold War, it has been said that the CIA developed a set of unwritten rules that the spies used while working in Moscow. These rules became known as The Moscow Rules. One of the rules for the spies was to, "Maintain a Natural Pace." Being too frantic and in a hurry or too deliberate and slow would set off warnings of suspicion. If we are living according to God's Plans instead of our plans, we will live in a natural rhythm, a Natural Pace.

For instance, The setting and rising of the sun, the flowing of streams, the flight of birds, all maintain a natural pace because they are operating as God intended...Check your pace to know whether or not You are living a God-Ordained life. The Lord tells us in Matthew 11:29-30 the following:

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

2. Trust and "Danger." Living a life God calls us to live may seem "dangerous" at's because God is calling us to jump out of our comfort zone and into the trust zone. To have a real relationship with God and to live a God-Ordained life means we will have to trust Him like never before...God does not call us to the status quo. Mediocrity and God-Ordained do not go together. Trust and "Danger" do go together... In fact, there are two different definitions of trust in the Bible. In the Old Testament the two Hebrew words translated “trust” mean to lean on, and to take refuge in. In the New Testament the Greek word translated “trust” means to have confidence in.

Living a God-Ordained life means we Lean on God and we have Confidence in God.

3.You will Make people excited. Living a God-Ordained life excites people because you are fulfilling a need(s) in the world.

4. You will Make people mad: Living a God-Ordained life will make some people mad because as a Christ Follower and living with a purpose, you will certainly challenge the status quo and rock some boats!

Living Your Plan: A Frantic Pace
I was watching "Christmas At Saddleback" on Fox News during the Christmas Eve program. He said there are 3 things (I will add a Fourth) that show up in your life if you are trying to live a life planned by you instead of a life planned by God...

1. Fatigue. You will always feel tired and uninspired
2. Frustration. Frustration will occur more than Celebration because you are going against the Natural Pace
3. Fear. A lack of confidence will dominate your mind
4. Frantic. Living our way instead of God's Way will cause us to be frantic and in a rush, angry, upset...trying too hard.

Is living in God's Will always going to be easy without fatigue, frustration, or fear? No. But you will feel ALIVE despite any circumstances or set backs you experience. Any fear we feel will be a fear that motivates instead of one that incapacitates. And 99% of the time, you will be able to "Maintain A Natural Pace."

Living God's Plan will not be easy, but it will be Natural...